The Perfect Human Being

We are all dying people walking to our deaths..walking to our graves..
Our time is running out..
There's a tombstone already waiting for our names to be written..

...So why so much hate? So much greed? So much lust? So much envy? So much violence? So much killing?...

...So much blood...So much much suffering...

..and more hate...and more violence...more killing and more blood..and more...and more...of this repetitive cycle...

Soon we will be just memories that one day will be forgotten ..
We will be just another old photo in a cemetery ..

We are just walking pieces of flesh decorated with fabrics, makeup, hair and vanity .. oh! so much vanity!
.. pieces of flesh that want to follow the trends of fashion, to be in shape, to drive expensive pieces of steel, to buy big squares of cement to live in..

Flesh covered with lotions and perfumes...pieces of flesh that desperately want to stop the clock...stop time..but time does not stop...the purpose of our flesh is to feed the's nature's cycle..

...delusional pieces of flesh with enormous egos and ambitions competing with each others..

Pieces of flesh hiding obscure secrets and doubtful thoughts..

All I see are future corpses roaming in the streets...time keeps counting...Tic! Tac! Tic! Tac! The clock does not stop! Tic! Tac! Tic! Tac!

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