How to become a better person

I think it's pretty easy. I know that "you" are going through some hard things, but aren't we all?

We all have sad stories, we all have problems, we all are suffering, we all have bad days, we all are sorting out things of the past, while dealing with things from the present and worrying about the future. 

So, there's really nothing that special that makes your life so bad that justify for you to be a bad person and mistreat others.

We are all victims of somebody or something. Victims of our childhood, victims of school, victims of love, victims of marriage, victims of work, victims of friends, victims of a stranger, victims of our innocence, victims of capitalism, victims of our society's system.

To become a better a person is to not blame people for what happened to you. Not all are villains. There are more villains that good people, but we never know who is who. 
Instead of making others suffer because of the pain you feel, why not helping others to not happen the same to them.

To become a better a person is to not do to others what you wouldn't like others to do to you.

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