Basic People

 What are Basic People?

Basic people are people with not much deepness; 

With little empathy;

No much feeling of guilty about nothing they do or say; 

No much capacity to accept or understand what is different or what is not inside the patterns of their society - what  they know as normality.

It is people that are not much creative. They can only repeat and copy.

They follow what others do. Even if they are aggressive leaders (they follow what others do, but never acknowledging);

People which egos don't allow them to recognise when they are wrong or when they don't have knowledge about a subject;

People that do not have critical thinking. They do not question nothing.  They are conformed that things are like this for a reason. But what reason? They don´t know and care;

Envious people thats compete with people that are not even competing wth them.

Basically, they are just the basic. The minimum a human being can be in society.

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