Happiness Definition

Our reality depends in how we feel, what we think, what we believe...

The reality we live is not real
It is created by each one of us
It is different for everybody

The same thing that happens, at the same moment, to several people, is lived, understood and internalized differently by each one..

Every person is a world..

Our happiness depends on our personal perception of the reality and our expectations

My Imperfect Utopia

Since very young, I realized that the societies of the world don't work properly  and are not fair. 

Democracy promises equality of rights and opportunities. But, is not democracy that rules, but capitalism. So, it was very clear that it was money that creates inequality, by splitting societies in poor and rich. So, money should disappear and not be replaced by any other thing.

My perfect society, was a place where everybody would produce and provide services for everybody for free. Not an exchange of goods, like it used to happen before money was invented. Here, there's no direct exchange. Products and services have no assigned value. Nothing is more valuable than other.  There's no prices. 

Everybody produces for everybody. There's no more expensive production costs cause everything is free. For example: A person that opens a restaurant will not spend more than a person that bakes bread, cause the one running the restaurant does not have expenses. All the food provided is free, the furniture and equipments are free, the rental is free, the employees have no salaries, etc. Money doesn't exist. Therefore, there are no expenses or costs. people just works in what they like to provide to each other.

Health is the most valuable asset of every living being. And in this society, it is free. People would be healthier and because resources were free and unlimited, Medicine would quickly develop.

Career - Studying would be totally free, so people would follow their vocation and do what they love to do for living.

This model of society would end 

  • poverty, 
  • hunger, 
  • inequalities, 
  • unemployment, 
  • banks, 
  • debt, 
  • crimes of robbery
  • corruption,
  • human trafficking, 
  • prostitution, 
  • drug trafficking, 
  • arms trafficking, 
  • and many other society's problems.
(there's no business cause there's no profit)

It would promote, in people: peace, unity, stability and spiritual growth. And in society high life quality and high life expectancy.

But there are a few issues for which I didn't find solution then and I still cannot find solution now:

1- Everybody would prefer to work in more comfortable jobs.
Of course, that people would have to study (for free) or to have abilities to perform certain jobs. But, even though there would be people that would want more clean and relaxed jobs. So, who would do the more physical jobs?

2- There would certainly be people that don't want to work. Just enjoy everything.

3- How to get resources and products from others countries, that have the same free-money society, but not between different countries?

3- How to manage crimes of murder, rape, pedophilia, etc?

4- In societies where everything is free, everything can be  acquired. Probably, the Nature will be more destroyed.

And as I keep thinking more issues come up, like morals and administration.

I haven't found yet solutions cause, in the perfect society, shouldn't be any kind of hierarchy. Because hierarchy implies that one person is above other.. the problem of power.. 
..we wouldn't have the inequality by richness, but by power... 

When I talked about these ideas, in a chat, more than 10 years ago, someone send me The Zeigest Movement, by email. 

It was a very interesting concept: Involving the whole word managing technologically and ecologically their societies and resources, as one country, by artificial intelligence. 
The problem of hierarchy is solved. 

I found this idea magnificent! The whole world would become one country! It would, definitely, end wars. 
In this society, nobody would have to work. It would be done by machines and robots. Today, it is better known by the Venus Project. 

Hopefully, in a future, in a more humane world, this can be implemented.

In a world where nobody feel the need to have more than others or to dominate others..

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