Urban Jungle

In the history of mankind there were always a hierarchy:

The humans above the animals,

Between the humans, the man above the woman,
Between the men, the white above the black
Between the white, the rich above the poor

It always exists a relationship of dominators and dominated, superior and inferior..

After all, societies are urban jungles like the animal kingdom. The predator and the prey. 

All about the strongest defeating the weakest. 

But, there's no weak one. Our spermatozoid was the fastest, the stronger of all. It was the one that fecundated the ovule. We all born winners. It is the money and our greed that enslave us, make us weak..

We are no more than animals living in groups, performing rituals, matting and defending our territories.

But, the human is more animal than the animals. We kill for greed, for power, for money, for fun.. the humans have no respect for their own species, for other species, values, for life.. nothing..

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