Weird things people do without realizing

  • Drinking beer with fish guts

  • Wiping themselves with paper made of animal gelatin 

  • Going to die in war for someone's else fights and decisions

  • Being careful to have a healthy and organic diet and exercising  while keep smoking

  • Racing when driving

  • Touching money, door handles, elevator buttons, cellphones  and after that prepare food, eat or touch face without washing hands

  • Trowing garbage to the floor even tough they walk there everyday. 

  • Eating the result of several animal vomits and consider it a delicacy

  • Spreading germs in purpose by sneezing and coughing without covering

  • Eating and wearing animals' skins and saying they love animals even tough they know animals were imprisoned, skinned and  killed.

  • Cutting the sweets foods to make diet, but keep eating sugar hidden in many store-bought savoury foods, like canned food.

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