- "I am a cage in search of a bird."
- "All that you are seeking is also seeking you."
- "A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity."
- "There are times when I am convinced I am unfit for any human relationship."
- "Just because your doctor has a name for your condition, doesn't mean he knows what is it."
- "Start with what is right rather then what is acceptable."
- "I am free and that is why I am lost."
- "Paths are made by walking."
- "I do not read advertisements. I would spend all of my time wanting things."
- "A first sign of the beginning of understanding is the wish to die."
- "I have spend all my life resisting the desire to end it."
- "Isolation is a way to know ourselves."
- "Love is a drama of contradictions."
- "It is often safer to be in chains than to be free."
- "I lack nothing. I only needed myself."
- "In argument similes are like songs in love, they describe much, but prove nothing."
- "It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary. A melancholy conclusion. It turns lying into a universal principle."
- "In a man's struggle agains't the world. Bet on the world."
- "Youth is happy cause it has the ability to see beauty. Who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old."
- "Don't bend, don't water it down. Don't try to make it logical. Don't edit your soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly."
- "All language is but a poor translation."
- "By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. The nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired."
- "I have the true feeling of myself only when I am unbearably unhappy."
- "This tremendous world I have inside of me. How to free myself, and this world, without tearing myself to pieces. And rather tear myself to a thousands pieces than be buried with this world within me."
- Franz Kafka
Czechoslovak writer