What goes around, comes around

"What goes around, comes around", 
"What you plant today, you will harvest tomorrow"
"Sin makes its own hell, and goodness its own heaven"
"Do good and good will follow you"
"Hear what they say about others, to know what they say about you"

These old wise sayings are actually a good example of the popular wisdom. Popular wisdom and knowledge is based in people's experiences, what happened to them, how they reacted to it and what was the result. 
So this sayings are like advices, warnings from experienced people.

Even if we don't believe in divine justice or in the power of the universe, karma exists. Karma is, no more than, the consequences of an action, a behavior, a choice. That will happen in the same moment or after.

Bad actions
A person that steals, lies, and have other actions that cause prejudice the others, will eventually be caught. 
That person will lose their trust; will probably lose friendships; judgments will be done due to the actions; the reputation will be damaged and if it's a serious bad action, very likely to be punished by law.

Bad person 
A bad person can have a chance to meet good people, but as soon they start being mean and mess their lives, the good person will realize and step out.
Good people are not attracted by the negative energy of a bad person. Just if they are very naive and have low self-esteem.
So, in the end, bad people will be surrounded by bad people.  Sometimes, worst than them.
That's the karma of a bad person: being in relationships with people that manipulates them, makes them feel inferior, brings conflicts, are always complaining, always competing to stand out, going just their way, lying, cheating, criticizing, sabotaging the others' lives, envying, trying to get money and/or other things.
It's what in the modern times, people call "toxic person".

Nothing good comes from "evil". 
The best old wise saying has to be: "Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you".
When we follow this advice, we know when we are doing what is the correct and not. 
The difference between good and bad.

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