"Woman is the gate to hell and her gaping genitals the yawning mouth of hell"
- Tertullian, carthaginian christian theologian (2/3rd century)
- Aristotle, greek philosopher and scientist (4th century)
"If the soul succumbs to the emotions, it will live unjustly, and it will be punished by being reincarnated in a woman's body."
- Plato, greek philosopher (4/5 century)
"There is a good principle which created order, light and man and an evil principle which created chaos, darkness and woman."
- Pythagoras, greek mathematician and philosopher(6th century )
"The women is submissive to man for her weakness of spirit and body. She is an incomplete being, an imperfect man.
Woman is defective and bastard, for the active force in the male seed is for the production of a perfect likeness in masculine sex. While the generation of woman comes from a defect in the active force. in Summa Theologica".
- Saint Thomas Aquinas, italian catholic priest (13th century) .
"Frailty, thy name is woman!"
- Shakespeare, english poet, playwright (16th century)
"The words and works of God are quite clear, that women were made either to be wives or prostitutes"
- Martin Luther, german theologist professor and priest (16th century)
" Of all the plagues with which the world is cursed, the women is the worst one".
- George Granville, english poet and politician (18th century)
male authority,
male intellectual superiority,
male dominance,
sexual harassment,
All of this is directed to women, just to be born a woman, just for being a woman.
Let's call things by its names.
The name is not feminism and this is, certainly not about feminism, but understanding the reality of our past and our present.
Unfortunately, this is not something from the past. This still happens today, in our societies, all over the world.
Women were and are still oppressed by society
Let's call things by its names.
The name is not feminism and this is, certainly not about feminism, but understanding the reality of our past and our present.
Unfortunately, this is not something from the past. This still happens today, in our societies, all over the world.
Women were and are still oppressed by society
Women were and are still considered inferior to men
Women were and are still considered weaker
Women were and are still considered dumber
Women were and are still considered a sort of property
Women were and are still considered a sort of property
So why did this happen?
Everything seems to began when woman and man were living as nomads, in tribes.
In the wild, strength was an important mean of survival. Man took advantage of his strength for hunting and protection, while for the women were left the safer tasks of preparing food, carrying water, making clothing, taking care of the young children.
As man was physically stronger than woman, he submitted her to his wills.
As civilizations developed and strength was no longer the main mean for survival, religion accused woman of being the destroyer of the paradise, the creature that sentenced the world to live with evil and sin.
Women was guilty of bringing the original sin into the world, when Eve gave the apple of wisdom to Adam.
For being the reason of the existence of the sin, by tempting the man with their charms, like Eve did. Bringing lust and adultery.
Women was considered evil and not trustworthy. So, according to the church, women should be in permanent punishment by submission to men.
Women were punished for the feeling and thoughts they were provoking on men.
Women were sexually objectified by men, and men blamed them for that,
Women were considered evil sorceresses for making men fall in love and develop emotions and sensitivity. So making them weaker and easier manipulable.
Man creates this moral code, gives woman sexual power for not being able to resist his own sexual impulses, and repudiates woman for that.
So woman was removed from society, excluded from having an active role in society and was controlled by men.
And what did the dominant man do? Now, without any emotional influence, he followed his aggressive and competitive instincts and made wars, fought for territory, for power, for richness, for pride.
The problems we are facing today, are all responsibility of man: pollution, poverty, unemployment, wars, world's economy, corruption, drugs, religious conflicts, crime, prostitution, inequality, destruction of nature, etc.
These problems started long ago when women had no power or little.
How different could have been our world if the woman wasn't oppressed and excluded?
How can men see women as perverse, if their own mothers are women? The same evil woman that gives them birth.
The giving birth should be considered as a gift but even the childbirth and menstruation provokes disgust in men.
The man is the one that cannot control his sexual impulses, sometimes taking it by force (rape), but even so, women are the ones considered promiscuous and impure.
The evil that tempts the poor man.
Prostitution just existed and exists to serve the desire of men. Man looks for it and is willing to pay in order to satisfy his sexual needs.
If man really wouldn't want it, it wouldn't exist.
After all, men fund houses of promiscuity and lust.
Contradictory, isn't?!
Men are the ones that should work their sexual self-control and learn to live more peacefully among others.
Women started to have some rights and equality 100 years ago, and they already, not only, prove to be able of the same, but they were also able to caught men, in such short period of time.
Imagine if women weren't constrained, all these centuries, to the role of wife and mother! What could they have contributed to society.
Women have different skills.
Women, never fought for superiority, for domination, but
to be accepted in society as an equal human being;
to have the same rights;
to have control of their own bodies, lives and destiny;
to be valued as a worker to achieve autonomy;
to be free to make their own decisions;
to be respected;
to have a voice in politics;
... just like men.
Not superior to men. As men did to women, as many man are afraid of. But Equal.
Everything seems to began when woman and man were living as nomads, in tribes.
In the wild, strength was an important mean of survival. Man took advantage of his strength for hunting and protection, while for the women were left the safer tasks of preparing food, carrying water, making clothing, taking care of the young children.
As man was physically stronger than woman, he submitted her to his wills.
As civilizations developed and strength was no longer the main mean for survival, religion accused woman of being the destroyer of the paradise, the creature that sentenced the world to live with evil and sin.
Women was guilty of bringing the original sin into the world, when Eve gave the apple of wisdom to Adam.
For being the reason of the existence of the sin, by tempting the man with their charms, like Eve did. Bringing lust and adultery.
Women was considered evil and not trustworthy. So, according to the church, women should be in permanent punishment by submission to men.
Women were punished for the feeling and thoughts they were provoking on men.
Women were sexually objectified by men, and men blamed them for that,
Women were considered evil sorceresses for making men fall in love and develop emotions and sensitivity. So making them weaker and easier manipulable.
Man creates this moral code, gives woman sexual power for not being able to resist his own sexual impulses, and repudiates woman for that.
So woman was removed from society, excluded from having an active role in society and was controlled by men.
And what did the dominant man do? Now, without any emotional influence, he followed his aggressive and competitive instincts and made wars, fought for territory, for power, for richness, for pride.
The problems we are facing today, are all responsibility of man: pollution, poverty, unemployment, wars, world's economy, corruption, drugs, religious conflicts, crime, prostitution, inequality, destruction of nature, etc.
These problems started long ago when women had no power or little.
How different could have been our world if the woman wasn't oppressed and excluded?
How can men see women as perverse, if their own mothers are women? The same evil woman that gives them birth.
The giving birth should be considered as a gift but even the childbirth and menstruation provokes disgust in men.
The man is the one that cannot control his sexual impulses, sometimes taking it by force (rape), but even so, women are the ones considered promiscuous and impure.
The evil that tempts the poor man.
Prostitution just existed and exists to serve the desire of men. Man looks for it and is willing to pay in order to satisfy his sexual needs.
If man really wouldn't want it, it wouldn't exist.
After all, men fund houses of promiscuity and lust.
Contradictory, isn't?!
Men are the ones that should work their sexual self-control and learn to live more peacefully among others.
Women started to have some rights and equality 100 years ago, and they already, not only, prove to be able of the same, but they were also able to caught men, in such short period of time.
Imagine if women weren't constrained, all these centuries, to the role of wife and mother! What could they have contributed to society.
Women have different skills.
Women, never fought for superiority, for domination, but
to be accepted in society as an equal human being;
to have the same rights;
to have control of their own bodies, lives and destiny;
to be valued as a worker to achieve autonomy;
to be free to make their own decisions;
to be respected;
to have a voice in politics;
... just like men.
Not superior to men. As men did to women, as many man are afraid of. But Equal.
In some countries, women achieved independence, autonomy, equality.
There, woman can finally starting to be herself.