Brilliant Thoughts of Epicurus

"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not, remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for."

"Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist."

"The art of living well and the art of dying well are one."

"Being happy is knowing how to be content with little." 

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then He is not omnipotent.
Is He able, but not willing? Then He is malevolent.
Is He both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is He neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"

"The wealth required by nature is limited and is easy to procure, but the wealth required by vain ideals extends to infinity."

"Nothing is sufficient for the person who finds sufficient too little." 

"All friendship is desirable in itself, though it starts from the need of help." 

"The greater the difficulty, the more the glory in surmounting it."

"The time when you should most of all withdraw into yourself is when you are forced to be in a crowd."

"It is folly for a man to pray to the gods for that which he has the power to obtain by himself."

"If a little is not enough for you, nothing is."

"The greatest fruit of self-sufficiency is freedom." 

" If you shape your life according to nature, you will never be poor; if according to people's opinions, you will never be rich."

"I am grateful to blessed Nature, because she made what is necessary, easy to acquire and what is hard to acquire unnecessary." 

- Epicurus
Greek philosopher

The World We Live in

The world we live in, is divided in rich and poor countries. Surprisingly,  the countries where the population enjoy high life quality are not the ones with more natural richestness and resources.  

Wealthiest Countries (population): Norway, Sweden, New Zealand, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg,  Canada, Australia, Vaticano

Poorest Countries (population): South and Central America, Africa, China, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, Russia, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Yemen 

Most Natural Resources Countries: Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo,  Iraq, Venezuela, Mozambique, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Russia, USA, India, China

Least Natural Resources Countries: Vatican, Switzerland, Belgium, (Europe in general), Taiwan, Japan, Singapore 

Most Populated Countries: India, China, USA, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Brazil, Japan, Mexico, Egypt

Least Populated Countries:  San Marino, Gibraltar, Monaco, Liechtenstein, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden

Most Polluted Countries: India, China, Pakistan, Qatar, Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Turkey, Kuwait, UAE, Myanmar

Less Polluted countries: Australia, Sweden, New Zealand, Finland, Iceland, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, Canada

Dirtiest Streets Countries: India, most african countries, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, Jordan

Cleanest Streets countries: Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Canada, New Zealand, Iceland,  Ireland, Estonia. Luxemburg, Belgium

Healthier Countries: Japan, Monaco, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Italy, France, Switzerland, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Australia 

Unhealthier Countries: Russia, USA, Saudi Arabia, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia

Most Friendly Countries:  New Zealand, Uganda, Taiwan, Portugal, Mexico, Costa Rica, Spain, Colombia, Canada, Malta

Most Unfriendly Countries: Denmark, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Finland, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Czech Republic, Russia

Most Dangerous: South and Central America, Africa, Syria, iraq, Yemen, Pakistan

Safest Countries: Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden,  Portugal, Switzerland, New Zealand, Austria, Netherlands

Most Modern and Developed Countries: Norway, Switzerland, Denmark, Canada, Sweden, Finland, Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand

Least Modern and Developed Countries: Africa in general, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Haiti, Myanmar, Cambodia, Yemen, Tuvalu, Nepal, Solomon islands, East Timor

Most Corrupt Countries: South and Central America, Africa, Middle east, Russia, North Korea, China, India, (Asia in general)

Least Corrupt Countries: Denmark, Switzerland, Finland, Norway, New Zealand, Sweden, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Singapore, Canada

Stereotypes by Nationalities V - Nordic Countries

Scandinavian stereotypes

Stereotypes of the Swedes

They are: politically correct, happy, social, liberal, gentle, civilized,  punctual, helpful, nature lovers,

Their dark side: racism, xenophobia, consumerist, reserved, individualistic, rude, arrogant, lazy, grumpy, promiscuous,  perfectionist, unfriendly to strangers

Stereotypes of Sweden: feminist country,  immigration, refugees, nature, organized, maternity friendly, good and free education, great health  system, clean energies, fresh air,  good public transports, high taxes,  cold and dark weather, expensive life costs but high quality and high wage, environmentally conscious, IKEA.

Stereotypes of the Norwegian

They are: outgoing, private, introvert, shy, informal, punctual, nature lovers, ski lovers, direct, peaceful, organized, good-natured, calm, feminist men, healthy, practical, civilized

Their dark side: patriotic, rustic, conservative, insensitive, unsophisticated, taciturn, promiscuous, rude, reserved, heavy drinkers, unfriendly to strangers

Stereotypes of Norway: nature, oil wealth, free and very good  education and health system, high taxes, high salary wages, green energy,  outdoor sports,   racism,  expensive cost of living, modern country, low unemployment, social equality, family-friendly, low crime rate, expensive houses, humane and luxury prisons, salmon

Stereotypes of the Finns

They are:  genuine, informal, calm, quiet, silent, straightforward, humble, honest, shy, punctual, patriotic, hard-worker, innovative,

Their dark side: introvert, reserved, heavy drinkers, emotionless, rude, stubborn, bad fashion sense, unfriendly to strangers, depressed

Stereotypes of Finland: marriage with foreigners, great and free education and health care, great public transport, sauna, metal bands, design, safe, dark and cold weather, maternity friendly, high taxes, young country (100 years old),  organized,  nature, fresh air, high suicide rates, Vodka

Stereotypes of  the Danes

They are: helpful, punctual,  trustworthy, easygoing, open-minded, heavy drinkers, laid-back, patriotic, straight forward, private, liberal, biking lovers, positive, happy, tolerant, pork meat lovers, informal, loyal to friends, hate braggers,

Their dark side: reserved, complaining about everything, heavy drinkers, rude, unfriendly to strangers

Stereotypes of Denmark: high taxes, low unemployment,  equality, high salaries, free and very good health and education system, gender equality, expensive living cost, low crime rate, cold weather, maternity friendly, racism, high divorce rates, immigration, high suicide rates, vikings, Lego

Stereotypes of  the Icelanders

They are: polite, helpful, friends for life, patriotic, flexible, welcoming, hardworking, honest, creative, fashionable 

Their dark side: patriotic, whales and sharks eaters, unpunctual, procrastinators, rude, blunt, coca-cola addicted 

Stereotypes of  Iceland: expensive housing, cold weather, fresh air and water, safe, gender equality, promiscuity, untouched nature, free education and health system, clean and cheap energy, low unemployment, rates high taxes, high living standards, risk of volcanic eruption, 

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