Sex and the Society

Everything in our societies goes around sex. 

The advertising, magazines, movies, music, TV, beauty products, the way people dress, dating, marriage, and more.

And if there was no pleasure in the act of sex? 

There will be no cheating, no promiscuity, no rape, no pedophilia, no prostitution, no sexual harassment, kidnappings, sex traffic, no love crimes..  

Relationships would be more successful cause there were no reason for cheating. 
Men would only feel attracted by women's beauty, personality, abilities, etc. And women as well.

If a man or a woman finds someone whose characteristics are more attractive, they would leave their partners without cheating. There was no reason for sex, there were no pleasure. 
After all, sex was just a tiring physical exercise for procreation. 

Pleasure is a nature trap to get people to make this physical exercise to procreate. 

Man would be a better being and consequently the world a better place to live.

In a homosexual relationship, sex has no procreation purpose. Sex is just for pleasure. And if there was no pleasure? Would the homosexual sex still exist?

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