How to become a better person

I think it's pretty easy. I know that "you" are going through some hard things, but aren't we all?

We all have sad stories, we all have problems, we all are suffering, we all have bad days, we all are sorting out things of the past, while dealing with things from the present and worrying about the future. 

So, there's really nothing that special that makes your life so bad that justify for you to be a bad person and mistreat others.

We are all victims of somebody or something. Victims of our childhood, victims of school, victims of love, victims of marriage, victims of work, victims of friends, victims of a stranger, victims of our innocence, victims of capitalism, victims of our society's system.

To become a better a person is to not blame people for what happened to you. Not all are villains. There are more villains that good people, but we never know who is who. 
Instead of making others suffer because of the pain you feel, why not helping others to not happen the same to them.

To become a better a person is to not do to others what you wouldn't like others to do to you.

The Root of Good and Bad

We born wild like the animals.  In the first years of our life, we are totally dependent. We need someone to keep us warm, to feed us, to protect us, to teach us how to walk, to talk, to dress. 

As we grow we start being shaped to the society standards.

We receive instructions of how to behave, to feel, to dress, values, goals

Children are constantly defying that teachings and instructions. Even though they know is wrong doing it. They want to go their own way. 

Are they fighting for their free will of choosing, for the right of their uniqueness, to not be domesticated or just to please their primitive ego?


In Boxe, MMA (to name a few) everytime an athlete hits the other, some organ, or some bones are getting hit, damaged. 

People see a punch, but in reality the kidney is receiving that punch-  the liver, the ribs, the stomach, the brain, nose, hears, others. Every organ and bone are important for our body, for its optimal functioning.

Those are not sports. Those are people beating each other, spanking each other and feeling excruciating pain. This is not a film that we are watching- it's real violence, real brutality.

Is so hard to understand why people enjoy to watch pain, suffering, humiliation... people beating each other til someone gives up or passes out.

We say that today we are more developed civilization than ancient civilizations. But "we" still enjoy watching brutality like it used to happen in the ancient Rome, with the Gladiators.

What can I see that You cannot see? What is so hard to see? Aren't we watching the same?

What sadistic people are these?

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