Science or Science Fiction?

If the Earth is round, how can we photograph and see beyond the curvature?

Why when we are flying we never see the curvature?

If we have thousands of satellites surrounding the Earth, why are we still using communication towers for phone, television, radio, internet, Gps?

Why are all the photos of Earth taken from space retouched in Photoshop? Why can't we see the real photos?

Why nobody can explain gravity?

If we are spinning and at the same time moving around the Sun in such velocity, why there's no device capable of detecting any movement of the earth?

If the Moon rotates, why we never see the other side?

If the Sun is so immense, how can the Moon eclipses the Sun?

Why we are not allowed to "explore" the South pole?

if the Earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the Sun, why every night we see the same stars and the constellations, during our whole life?

How it's possible to see photos of the north american spaceship arriving to the moon, if they were the first ones to arrive to the Moon?

Why are scientists now talking about the difficulties to pass the radiation belt that surrounds the Earth, if already several countries successful went to the Moon; there are several spacial stations and so many satellites correctly transmitting to the Earth? 

If the technology was so developed, 48 years ago, that permitted a "car" to be brought in the spaceship and be driven in the Moon, why man didn't land in Mars yet?

is it possible that all this people have being lying to us? During all these generations? To all the countries of the world? Is it? 

But why?

Science or Science Fiction?

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