Our inner animal

I would like people to see what I see... 
I would like people to see the world from my eyes...

People see a car, I see a piece of steel;
People see a mansion, I see a big block of cement being used to store stuff collected during a lifetime;
People see a garden, I see nature being used as decoration;
People see a clothing store, I see coloured fabrics that are cut in different shapes to make more money possible;
People see gold, I see yellow decorations made out of a rock;
People see beauty, I see insecurity disguised with makeup tricks and bodies filled with silicone;
People see politeness, I see too many fake smiles and hypocrisy;
People see intelligent graduates, I see people with very good memory;
People see jobs, I see the only way of survival for the majority in this society;
People see family, I see expectations and disappointment;
People see leaders, I see egos;
People see History, I see blood and massacres for land and power;
People see dreams and goals, I just see money.

Todays' society is a battle of egos, a vanity fair.. for who has the best body, the best job, the best house, the best car, the best outfit, the prettiest face, the greatest amount of money in the bank, and on..

In the end, we are still very connected to our primitive animal instincts.. being the best, the strongest to survive in the jungle.. 

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