All my life, I have been distracting, unknowingly, my mind... with these so well-structured goals, invented by our society, like studying, working, etc, and entertained, in my free times, with nights out, TV, etc.
Goals that were designed to keep us busy, to not let us think, to not let us be alone with our thoughts..
Because when the mind has time to think, can realize some things that may not satisfy us and consequently lead us to, what they like to call, depression..
... yes, because if you think too much, you are depressed
-- if you think about the meaning of life, you are depressed
.. if you don't feel happy with your life, you are depressed
.. if you don't fit, you are depressed
.. if you don't want to follow the society's goals, you are depressed
"They" don't want us to spend so many time inside our heads.
But, why? Are our heads evil? Dangerous?
So evil and dangerous that we should avoid them?
Are not our minds ourselves?
Why our dissatisfaction and unhappiness has to be ignored and classified as a chemical imbalance in the brain - depression?
Why our feelings are not valid?
Why "depressed" people need to take pills to increase the levels of serotonin, in the brain, the chemical that regulates happiness, mood and anxiety?
Why "depressed" people need to have therapy to be brainwashed to believe that they are sick and wrong? to make them accept and be submissive to society's structure?
I am not sick just because, very early, I realised that there's really nothing material this society can offer that I would really want.
I never valued the gadgets, luxury, status, fame.. but I know that only money can physically release me from being a slave in this capitalist system..
I wished that freedom.. But I never sought money...
The only thing I really always pursued was love.. and it was the only thing that gave me hope and kept me alive from inside.. the believe in the existence of true love...
In a world, where love is so often betrayed by lust
In a world where love depends on exterior beauty
In a world where love can be bought
In a world where love is a possession
In a world where love doesn't survive the death of passion
In a world where love has so many different meanings
In the end, I, also, had my distraction, my motivation - my search for love
But, the love that sees thought the shapes of the flesh and fabrics
Love that is naive like a baby
Love that worries and will never hurt on purpose
Love that wants to stay forever
Love made me dream and then hurt me... deceived me.. lied to me..
...but saved my life
From then on, I knew that love was real... and one day.. Love found me..