The New Censorship in the Democratic Countries

During monarchy and dictatorship, censorship was done by beating, prison, death penalty, exile, others.

Today censorship still exists, but disguised.

Today is made by creating false rumors in the media and social networks (tv, newspaper, magazines, social networks, etc) that triggers a sequence of events-reactions that will make that person to lose his/her credibility in the public eye.

- False rumors starts to circulate 
- Bad reputation 
- Social judgment 
- Loses job 
- Isolation

They are people that have power to influence people's opinion. This a modern way to make that person disappear. 

We should not believe everything we read. Sometimes we are just watching the "killing " of another public figure,  without even realising

A figure that became inconvinient to someone, to a company, to a brand, tv chanel, to a political party, others,  and needs to be silenced.  The public figure can speak but now nobody will want to hear it or hardly will believe it.


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