People that let us be ourselves

Being ourselves is not easy in a society with so many expectations, social rules and morals.. A society that is always defining us.

Within the societies, in some social circles (school, job, family, etc) are people that have dominant-aggressive personalities and try to make us submissive to their wills and opinions.

Those people don't, really, want to know us. They just want us to be followers, to be a always say "yes" - person, to praise their ego.. 

Some people don't even try to be themselves anymore. They became their own masks.

Finding people that just let us be.. acknowledging that we are all complex and different creatures.. accepting the beauty  of creativity,  self-expression.. is not easy, but is a joy!

Not judging someone from what they think is the best job, the best look, the best decision, the best opinion.. 
What is the best for some is not the best for everybody. 
How so many people cannot understand something so simple?

We all have different desires, whishes, dreams... we all see and feel the same reality in different ways... we experience everything in our unique way. 

Nobody can define us, because, people, simply, don't know who we are. They don't let us be ourselves. Who we are is never going to be good enough for their expectations. Cause we are not their expectations. We are ourselves. And we will always be ourselves. But, unfortunately, a stranger for the majority of the people in our social circles. 

Normally, they don't even know who they are. They are too busy trying to fit in their social circles and match to society's expectations. This is what they do during their whole life. It must be exhausting...

We can be a functioning piece of the machine and still be ourselves. 

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