Tabu Subjects I - Adolf Hitler

Almost all the schools in the world,  give special attention to the history's chapter of the 2-world war. 

It is described as a dark and evil stain in the human history, due to the genocide of 6 millions of people and to its monster - Adolf Hitler.

We study other dictators, but none receives the same number of pages in our books as Hitler - the devil himself.

But, why?

  • The colonizers killed almost all the population of indigenous from the colonized countries - 200 millions. Not many were left. Even though this is described, in our schools, as something for us to be proud - The Time of the Discoveries

  • Japan killed approximately 20 millions chinese during its occupation

  • The Holy inquisition - the church - killed around 20 millions.

Just to name a few. However, none of those seems to be so horrendous as the nazis, in the eyes of our education system.

But why?

Why is so important for our education system to underline the horrors of the nazi german and the monster Hitler?

Why the european countries should be proud of the killing of 200 millions indigenous people from the Americas and Africa ,during the colonization and the german people have to be ashamed?

Isn't all evil and killing equally wrong? Not for the majority of the education systems in the world.

But why?

Digging deeper, out of the school's history books, I found some more unexpected informations:

- In the testimonies of some jews that are alive and were in the concentration camps, we can hear that it was a work camp. They were there to forced work.
They, also, describe going to the doctor, where they were going to disinfectants showers to avoid diseases.

We are, surely, not talking about a vacation camp - those people were forced to work against their will and many died of exhaustion and starvation.
But, why schools describe these camps, as death camps?

During wars, properties and lands are taken, people are made slaves and the majority are killed. So, what makes Hitler so different from the other dictators and war leaders?

This is not about defending Hitler, but trying to understand why is he so much evil than other country leaders that did the same or worst.

What do they want to hide from us?

There is nothing good in war and killing. And our world's history is filled with blood. 
The difference is that some countries manage better their propaganda. Some countries start wars with other countries for money, power and subjugation. But they call themselves heroes. Propaganda is the difference.  Because there is nothing different in killing. 

Picture source:


Homosexuality is not something new. Same-sex relationships are present in the history of our civilizations. 

Today, homosexuals are fighting for the same rights of heterosexual couples. 
After all, they are citizens and humans beings. Why the civil rights are not including them? Why can't they marry, have taxes benefits, etc ? 

All the human beings are "protected" by the universal fundamental  rights to be treated equally and with dignity.

We can't ignore something that exists. Ignoring is not going to make it disappear. It will just create new problems: discrimination, violence, lies, marriage for appearances, mental issues, etc.  
But is not going to make it disappear. 

When we force somebody to be what they aren't, they can pretend, but they will not change. The result can be people marrying others and having children just to fit in society and what society expect from them, but secretly maintaining homosexual affairs. 

This person is living a fake marriage, a fake life, but is also making someone's life fake. And the other person doesn't know. What it's even more sad. 

Wasting their lives... to please others, society.. but instead of one victim, there are, now, two.. maybe even more, if we count the children, caught in the middle of this acting play.

Homosexuals will find any kind of escapes, sometimes by becoming a priest or a nun and living a life of loneliness and isolation. 
Maybe is their way of asking forgiveness to their God, or to runaway from a society that doesn't accept them, because they cannot love, cannot marry, cannot have children, cannot live freely their love...cannot be themselves.

We cannot deny that the nature of sex is clearly procreation. When a man and a woman have intercourse, they will very probably generate another human being. To avoid pregnancy they will have to use inventions created by men. 

Anatomically, the shape of the male sexual organ is designed to deliver the sperm to the woman's womb. Males homosexuals are using the anus to deposit the sperm somewhere in the rectum, which main function is to expel the human waste. Female homosexuals aren't depositing nothing anywhere. 

The purpose of sex is, objectively, the continuation of the species.
The purpose of dating, marrying is, after all, to have children and to raise those children to marry and have children too.. perpetuating the species. 

This is the purpose of all the species of the world, to survive to procreate, for their species to survive and procreate. Only the strong survive.

So, why are same gender people attracted to each other? Going against their own anatomy designs? Don't they feel the need to leave their seed? 
Is this a form of natural selection made by nature? Only the strong genes will survive? Is that why a gender is not attracted by the opposite gender? Because their genes are not supposed to survive? And for that reason aren't meant to procreate?

There must be a reason why some people are attracted to the same sex gender knowing that they will never have a  natural family with the person they love. 
Even if they want to have children through insemination or adoption, they will always need the other gender to conceive... 

Obviously, nobody chooses to be homosexual. 
Nobody chooses to go the hard way. 
No teenager, that is still struggling to understand who they are, what are they doing here, how does this works, will choose to go against the whole society, the parents, their education, culture, traditions, religion, their anatomy, the way things are suppose to be normal,... 
Nobody chooses to be excluded, repressed, threatened, attacked, etc...

..And, if God created us, why would He create something against His teachings? Why would He create people that cannot follow his teachings? That cannot procreate? 
Dooming them to live without a natural family; not having nobody to take care of them in the old ages and to die leaving nobody to remember them...

If homosexuality is a sin, why would God create sin? 

How can homosexuals be religious? Nobody can follow a God that rejects them, calls them a sin, that tells them that their destiny is to burn in hell...

Homosexuals, surely, didn't choose who they were going to feel attracted to. 
Surely, they wouldn't go against their own bodies and the only normality they know, that is their society.

Some homosexuals want so much to feel like regular people, that they are, even, transforming their own bodies and replacing their sexual organs to match what they feel with who they are. 

Many homosexuals look so loud, funny and happy.. but behind that mask there's lots of suffering. 
Their fight is not easy. Fighting against everything, even their own body. 
They feel like a woman, but are living in a man's body...or they feel like a man, but they are carrying a woman's body, 

And it's kind of ironic that the man, that was always superior over women, in all civilizations of our world history, (and we can still feel, today, the sexism)..  his male body, that gives him the superiority, just for being man...wants to be a woman, wants to look like a woman, to sound like a woman, wants what woman wants.. wants somehow that submission.. Cause they feel like a woman...

...the male body with a woman mind...maybe the perfect human being! Strength and sensitivity.. 

Is this the beginning of a new human species? an evolution of the human race? Where men are born with more female hormones to become more sensitive, less violent? And women with more testosterone hormones to get more practical and tougher?

Maybe a bit more of each one will make a better human being...more balanced.. 

What we have now is clearly not working. The human species took over the world and is destroying it, killing our habitat, others species, killing each other, for everything and anything.. 

Is Nature or God trying to improve their creation? Is this an experiment? The course of human evolution? Will homosexuals be able to reproduce in the future?

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