Almost all the schools in the world, give special attention to the history's chapter of the 2-World War.
It is described as a dark and evil stain in the human history, due to the genocide of 6 millions of people and to its monster - Adolf Hitler.

But, why?
- The colonizers killed almost all the population of indigenous from the colonized countries - 200 millions. Not many were left. Even though this is described, in our schools, as something for us to be proud - The Time of the Discoveries.
- Japan killed approximately 20 millions chinese during its occupation
- The Holy inquisition - the church - killed around 20 millions.
Just to name a few. However, none of those seems to be so horrendous as the nazis, in the eyes of our education system.
But why?
Why is so important for our education system to underline the horrors of the nazi german and the monster Hitler?
Why the european countries should be proud of the killing of 200 millions indigenous people from the Americas and Africa, during the colonization and the german people have to be ashamed?
Isn't all evil and killing equally wrong? Not for the majority of the education systems in the world.
But why?
Because of the ideology of the arian race supremacy? what about the Apartheid and the white supremacy politics in South Africa during almost 60 years?
During wars, properties and lands are taken, people are made slaves and the majority are killed. So, what makes Hitler so different from the other dictators and war leaders?
This is not about defending Hitler, but trying to understand why is he so much evil than other country leaders that did the same or worst.
What do they want to hide from us?
What do they want to hide from us?
There is nothing good in war and killing. And our world's history is filled with blood.
The difference is that some countries manage better their propaganda. Some countries start wars with other countries for resources, power and subjugation. But they call themselves heroes. Propaganda is the difference. Because there is nothing different in killing.
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