Brilliant Thoughts of Confucius


" Don't do to others, what you don't want other to do to you."

"The superior person blames himself, the small person blames others."

"Who fails to prepare, prepares to fail."

"Who asks a question is a fool for a minute, who doesn't ask is a fool for life."

"Roads were made for journeys, not destinations."

"If you chase two rabbits, you catch none."

"It is easy to hate and it is difficult to love. This is who the world works. All good things are difficult to achieve and bad things are very easy to get."

" Happiness does not consist in having what you want, but in wanting what you have."

"Every journey starts with a single step."

"Act with kindness but do not expect gratitude."

"You judge yourself by what you think you can achieve, other judge you by what you have achieved."

"Silence is a friend that never betrays."

"To see and listen to the wicked is already a sign of wickedness."

"Respect yourself, and other will respect you."

"A nation's character is typified by its dancers."

"Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues." 

"When people are educated, the distinction between classes disappears."

"Don't worry if people don't recognise your merits, worry that you may not recognise theirs."

"We are so busy doing the urgent, that we don't have time to do the important."

Confucius, Chinese Philosopher

Basic People

 What are Basic People?

For me, Basic people are people with not much deepness; 

With little empathy;

No much feeling of guilty about nothing they do or say; 

No much capacity to accept or understand what is different or what is not inside the patterns of their society - what is outside of what they know as normality.

It is people that are not much creative. They can repeat and copy.

They follow what others do. Even if they are aggressive leaders ( they follow what others did but never acknowledging);

People which egos don't allow them to recognise when they are wrong or when they don't know about a subject;

Envious people thats compete with people that are not even competing wth them.

Basically, they are just the basic. The minimum a human being can be in society.

The World We Live in...Part I

In Portugal, a 77 years old' s Grandfather  abuses his 13 years old 'granddaughter and gets her pregnant, at 15 years old. The abuse continued till her son was 5 years old.

In Jordan, a 16 years old was raped by one of her brothers and other brother killed her to cleanse the family honour.

In India, a 13 years old girl was raped by a police officer, when reporting a gang rape, at the police station. Every 18 minutes a girl is raped in India.

In Central African Republic, French United Nation's soldiers and workers sexually abused underaged children in exchange of biscuits and water. 

In Brazil, a 16 years old girl was drugged and gang raped by 33 men. Two of the men posted a footage on social media showing the girls' injured genitalia.

In England, a 67 years old man sexually abused almost 100 corpses in NHS mortuary, while taking photos and recording himself during the acts.

In refugee camps, all over the world, vulnerable refugees women and children are raped by other males refugees, security border and humanitarian staff, after losing their fathers and husbands, in the war. 

Quotes about Poverty


" Cleanliness is the Nobility of the poor."

" Love is an invention of the poor."

"Monogamy has its origin in poverty."

"Poverty is the worst form of violence."

"Poverty destroys freedom."


"Poverty is the thief of dreams."

"Poverty is the mother of crime." 

"The real tragedy of the poor is the poverty of their aspirations." 

"Poverty is not just a lack of money, it is not having the capacity to realize one's full potential as an human being."

Fairy Tales Explained - Snow White

Once upon a time, there was a queen that was not dealing well with the ageing process so she became jealous of the youth and beauty of her stepdaughter and ordered to be killed in the woods. But, the hunter felt guilty and preferred to let her runaway and be killed by the winter or the wild animals.  Instead, he killed a boar and brought its entrails, as proof, for the queen.

While running in the forest, she found a small cottage. She went inside, with no permission, and ate, drunk and slept in somebodies bed.

This was the house of 7 dwarfs and they came back from work and realised that somebody invaded their house, ate from their food and were sleeping in one of their beds, but they didn't mind because of her beauty.

In the next morning, she told them her story and the dwarfs let the princess stay with the condition of cleaning, cooking, making the laundry and the beds. She happily accepted. 

The queen, that was using witchcraft, found out that she was still alive and tried to kill her 3 times, by deceiving her.  The third time, she was successful and the princess ate the poisonous apple.

The dwarfs decided to not burry her, because she looked alive. So they made her a glass coffin.

Many years passed, and one day, a prince walking in the woods, saw the beautiful girl and felt in love. After the dwarfs tell him the story, they allowed him to take her to his lands, because he could not live without her anymore.

During the journey, one of the servants that is carrying the coffin, trips and the piece of poisoned apple falls out from Snow white's mouth. She magically awakes! 

The prince proposes marriage and she immediately accepts the request of a stranger she doesn't know and never saw before.  

At the wedding, Snow's stepmother, that was also invited, was forced to wear a red- hot iron shoes and dance in them until she dropped dead.

They lived happy ever after. 

Story conclusions for the children hearing this fairy story as they grow: 

Women need to be the most beautiful to be happy.

Women are cruel to each other.

Men are kind.

A beautiful woman can  invade a house that it will be fine because of her beauty.

The most beautiful women are sweet, naive, kind and skilled in domestic tasks.

If you are very beautiful, men will fall in love with you, even if you are dead.

If you are sleeping or passed out and in the moment you awake, a stranger proposes you marriage, it's normal to accept.

Evil people will be punished.

German tale published in 1812 by the brothers Grimm

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