Brilliant Thoughts of Confucius


" Don't do to others, what you don't want other to do to you."

"The superior person blames himself, the small person blames others."

"Who fails to prepare, prepares to fail."

"Who asks a question is a fool for a minute, who doesn't ask is a fool for life."

"Roads were made for journeys, not destinations."

"If you chase two rabbits, you catch none."

"It is easy to hate and it is difficult to love. This is who the world works. All good things are difficult to achieve and bad things are very easy to get."

" Happiness does not consist in having what you want, but in wanting what you have."

"Every journey starts with a single step."

"Act with kindness but do not expect gratitude."

"You judge yourself by what you think you can achieve, other judge you by what you have achieved."

"Silence is a friend that never betrays."

"To see and listen to the wicked is already a sign of wickedness."

"Respect yourself, and other will respect you."

"A nation's character is typified by its dancers."

"Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues." 

"When people are educated, the distinction between classes disappears."

"Don't worry if people don't recognise your merits, worry that you may not recognise theirs."

"We are so busy doing the urgent, that we don't have time to do the important."

Confucius, Chinese Philosopher

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