Animals living in the human world

Pets are animals from other species that the human race like to have in their homes, for company, affection, protection and entertainment.

There are people that care more about their pets, than about people. They treat them like a family member, even though there's no common language.
So why relationships work better for them with pets than humans? Maybe cause the pets are obedient and they know what behaviours expect from pets. 

People say they love animals, but if they weren't buying them, there wasn't animals suffering in breeding farms. Pets are a very cruel and profitable business.   

Everything humans touch, everything humans can make money, there is always a dark side..

The dog is one of the most popular pets. 
They are allowed to do things in homes that no family member can do, like: walking in the street and coming inside home with dirty feet, seating on the sofa, on the bed, on the bathtub, leaving their hair everywhere. 
They also poop and piss, without cleaning themselves, and they seat on the sofa, on the bed, carpet, bathtub and others places.

The cats are also very populars pets, and like the dog, they are, as well, privileged. They come from the street, walk and seat everywhere in the house, like on the kitchen counter where food is prepared, leaving their hair and licking the food;  

It doesn't sound very hygienic. But I am sure, the owners of pets are taking extra care, disinfecting and cleaning more often.

Pets, when appreciate, have a nice life. Humans provide them food, water, bath them, clean their poop, wash their food dishes, buy them beds, toys, etc.

Are really the animals the pets? Or are the humans the pets of the animals?

How these small animals submitted other species to them, like the humans?
Now, they don't have to hunt to feed themselves, to look for shelter, to fear attacks of other animals, the cold, the rain... The humans do all that for them and they also have a plus, that is affection and playing time.

How many different species live together in the same place? Having the dominant one to be submissive.
This must be something unique in the animal world. 

Well, it didn't start like this, cause many years ago, humans were keeping captives theirs wild ancestors to help them in the daily life. Like the "wolves", to help them with the sheep, hunting, and others tasks. 
Until they became domesticated.

Unfortunately, animals are not just house pets. All kinds of animals are used for testing the human products and medicines. Others are being used for human consumption; many for their skins for human clothing; others for human entertainment in circus and zoos..

The human being not just pollutes and steals all the resources of the nature from the animals, but also explores all the animals, for his convenience. 

Domestic animals have rights in some countries, but not the wild animals and the ones in farms, in laboratories, circus, zoos.

The only protection these animals have is a humane slaughter. Like if it was possible to be humane, when killing a being that doesn't want to die.

What goes around, comes around

"What goes around, comes around", 
"What you plant today, you will harvest tomorrow"
"Sin makes its own hell, and goodness its own heaven"
"Do good and good will follow you"
"Hear what they say about others, to know what they say about you"

These old wise sayings are actually a good example of the popular wisdom. Popular wisdom and knowledge is based in people's experiences, what happened to them, how they reacted to it and what was the result. 
So this sayings are like advices, warnings from experienced people.

Even if we don't believe in divine justice or in the power of the universe, karma exists. Karma is, no more than, the consequences of an action, a behavior, a choice. That will happen in the same moment or after.

Bad actions
A person that steals, lies, and have other actions that cause prejudice the others, will eventually be caught. 
That person will lose their trust; will probably lose friendships; judgments will be done due to the actions; the reputation will be damaged and if it's a serious bad action, very likely to be punished by law.

Bad person 
A bad person can have a chance to meet good people, but as soon they start being mean and mess their lives, the good person will realize and step out.
Good people are not attracted by the negative energy of a bad person. Just if they are very naive and have low self-esteem.
So, in the end, bad people will be surrounded by bad people.  Sometimes, worst than them.
That's the karma of a bad person: being in relationships with people that manipulates them, makes them feel inferior, brings conflicts, are always complaining, always competing to stand out, going just their way, lying, cheating, criticizing, sabotaging the others' lives, envying, trying to get money and/or other things.
It's what in the modern times, people call "toxic person".

Nothing good comes from "evil". 
The best old wise saying has to be: "Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you".
When we follow this advice, we know when we are doing what is the correct and not. 
The difference between good and bad.

Generation Chemicals

There is the generation X, Y and Z. 
What about the generation chemicals?!

Never before we were so exposed to chemicals as now. They are Arsenic, Formaldehyde, Mercury, BPA, Phthalates, PBDEs, Fluoride, Pesticides, Lead, Perchlorate, etc. Just to name some of the most harmful.

This is the price we are paying to those who wants to get rich, feeding our hunger for consumerism, our need for the easy and fast, for comfort.
And the industries are ready to fulfill those needs. They will always have a product for everything and anything.
They are taking good care of all our needs: food, personal care, beauty, clothes, household products, and whatever else.

What are you eating?
To guarantee we have all the food available all year round and not just seasonally, to make them last longer and to make them look more attractive, all kinds of additives, crazies amounts of sugar, salt and fat are added to our food.

And we don't even realize, they come with all these weird names in the package label.
How can we eat food which ingredients we can't understand?
These foods are made to make us addicted but they are also making us fat and sick.
These are empty food, with no nutrients, a fake illusion of energy for our organism.
Are we eating food or colored and flavored plastic?

Sadly, even the baby food has dangerous chemicals, like arsenic, cadmium, lead and acrylamide. 

Think twice the next time you buy a powder milk, cereals, drinks, jarred or canned food for your baby.

There are more hidden chemicals...More unexpected chemicals are served with your meals, with the nonstick cookware. 
Instead, choose steal, tempered glass or ceramic cookware. 

What personal care and cosmetics products are you using?
Our daily hygiene is filled with chemicals, from the toothpaste, shampoo, shower gel, pads, tampons, shaving cream, toilet paper to the deodorant, etc.
On top of this, we add extra chemicals for the face and body moisturizer, sunscreen, nail vanish, hair perms, hair dye,  lipstick and all the makeup, etc. All its toxins are being absorbed into your body.

What clothing are you wearing?
Even the clothes we dress, the panties we wear, the towels we use to wipe ourselves, the bed linens where we sleep are dyed and treated with chemicals that cannot be washed out..more toxins are, again, absorbed through our skin.

What Household products do you use?
House fragrances, oven cleaners, dishwashing liquid, dry cleaning products, anti-bacterial hand soap, fabric softener,  multipurpose cleaners, glass cleaner, and on... 
Many have no regulation for chemicals and we are exposed to them during a lifetime.

All in order for we to have everything we want, when we want, in the quantities we need, in the sizes and colors we desire for the most affordable prices.

But the waste of the factories of our "essential" products need to go somewhere. So, the air we breathe is getting more and more polluted as the water we drink more and more contaminated. The environment is getting sick as well...

We breath polluted air, we drink contaminated water, we eat unhealthy food, we wear chemicals, we cover our bodies with chemicals, we live surrounded by toxins.  
How can we not being dying of cancers? 
Very resistant is our body! What a hard worker! Eliminating all those toxins.
And people wonder why so many people are dying of cancer! Not having cancer is the truly miracle!

The solution? 
Well, it's simple. Eliminate the chemicals from your life!

Make sure you also detox your mind from the power of the brilliant marketing/ advertising. 
You don't really need those things!
You really don't need what you see in the tv commercials, in the magazines, in the movies...

What food should we eat?
Avoid processed food, fast food, packed food, canned food. Everything that comes packed. 
Normally, what comes in a pack has added chemicals. And, in addition, you are reducing waste, like plastic that is not biodegradable and people don't recycle.

The more processed, more calories and less nutrients.
Buy fresh food in its natural state, wash it with vinegar, to remove pesticides, and have it like that, or cook it in home. You will know what you are adding. Like that there's no way of having hidden chemicals.  

The same with the baby food. Buy fresh and make your baby soups, purees, and juices. 

And you know what? You don't need all the food you are eating now. We eat too much. While our bodies are busy with digestion process, they can't "focus" in other tasks, like healing.

Drink filtered water. Nothing quenches the thirst like water. 
The sugar of the juice is addictive and it keeps you thirsty, so you will keep drinking juice. And there's no real fruit there, anyway! What's there? You guessed! Sugar and more chemicals!

Our body is truly miraculous, it has the power to heal itself, but we need to give it the necessary nutrients as: water, vitamins, minerals, proteins, unsaturated fat, simple and complex carbohydrates. 

What personal care and cosmetics should we use?
What about all these personal care and cosmetic products you use. Do you really need them? 
Do you really need to dye your hair? to paint your nails? to wear makeup every day? 

Did you know that washing the hair less makes it stronger and shinier? By washing it too much, your hair loses its essential oils.

You know, the toilet paper comes from paper, from the trees, right? But did you know, that to make it white are used chemical bleaches?

These products you use to make you skin smoother, did you know that the daily dry skin brushing works like a natural exfoliation and makes your skin super smooth and helps blood circulation? 
Hot showers, also, dry your skin and hair. Cold showers have so many benefits for your body, skin and hair. Try by starting with hot and turn to cold in the end of the shower. It's worth trying!
Drinking water, eating healthy and walking for 30 minutes every day will improve your skin from the inside and you will see it very soon in the outside. The best part is the results will not be gone with the makeup remover!

Look for personal care products with less ingredients possible. The most natural possible.  And you could cut all the cosmetics. You don't really need them. These are just to decorate you.. for vanity..
Anyway, avoid using as many products as you can.

 All of that products, says to make miracles for your looks, but the majority makes the same effect.  The eyes makeup remover normally is basically the same as the face makeup remover. 

The cosmetic industry lives at the expenses of your ignorance, vanity and insecurities. 
They create insecurities by making you believe that you need their products to look better.  And everyday they are launching a new product to "help you" with problems that you didn't know you have until they come up with. 

And at the same time these highly unregulated industries are making you sick... But nobody cares. Cause they also have the same consumerist dreams and they can have them with your money.  

What clothing should we wear?
But what can we do about the clothing? Avoid synthetic fabrics. These are the ones with more additives. 
Sleep naked. You would be surprised by the benefits!

What household products should we be using?
And what can be done here? Vinegar and baking soda!!! A bless for the house! There's nothing you cannot clean with those. You will find several videos and sites in the internet showing how to use them. Check! It works!
Let some fresh air into your house by opening your windows everyday, even in the winter. 20 minutes is enough to let the pollutants out.

Everybody wants to sell you something, everybody wants to profit from you..nobody really cares about your health, or they wouldn't sell you dangerous cocktails of chemicals.

Anyway, your disease is also a source of profit. The doctor, the medication from the pharmacy, the treatments, the surgeries, the funeral... It's profit, profit, profit until the end...

Remember, the price you are paying for your stuff, it's not the real price.  Cancer is the real price. 

We are causing the cancer in our bodies, with all the chemicals we are using, wearing, absorbing, inhaling, eating... Imagine what can all these chemicals do to a child, a baby?

Our essentials needs are not these superfluous stuff, that you think you can't live without, like hair conditioner. Our essential needs are our home - the environment, water to drink, air to breath, and nutritious food. We cannot truly live without them.. yet, they are being contaminated, by the manufacture of our 
superfluous things.. 

I know it's a lot to take in,  but I wouldn't name us Generation Chemicals for no reason... Everyday a new product is created for a specific thing, that we didn't need before.

..It looks complicated, but the solution is so simple and so much cheaper...

...Go simple! That's the secret!  As simple as that!

...and keep yourself informed! 
Look for more detailed information about all this and natural substitutes.

By the way, check about meat consumption and animal products  ...


World's History

There will always exist the good guys and the bad guys of the world's history.
But who are the good and the bad guys? 
That only depends on which side you are.

We all believe to be doing what is the correct for us and for the others. We will always be the good guys. 
Nobody believes that is doing something wrong or we wouldn't do it. Unless we are wrongly doing it on purpose. In that case we know we are the bad guys. 
But, in general, everybody believes to be doing what is the best. And if it's the best for themselves, of course, is, also, the best for the others. So, our way is the best way! The correct one!

Therefore, there shouldn't be bad guys. But there are. 

The history we know is what our schools have taught us. Our school contents and its books are selected and approved by the government of each country. 

Thus, in the portuguese schools, we learned that the portuguese navigators were pioneers in the Age of Discovery/ Exploration. 
They were brave heroes that defied the unknown seas and discovered far-off lands such as Angola, Mozambique, Goa, Macao, East Timor, Brazil and others.  Expanding the portuguese empire and bringing the catholic religion and the portuguese culture to the indigenous people.  These primitive people were the labour used to build the portuguese colonies. 

In the meantime, in some schools of Africa, it could be taught that the portuguese people invaded their territory, stole their country's most precious goods and resources, enslaved all the population and violently force them to work for them for free, with no rights and to be sold as merchandise, as long they were still breathing. Children as well.  
Many died of work exhaustion, beating, malnutrition...  

After all, were the portuguese heroes or cruel killers?

As portuguese, I can only apologize for what my people did during the colonization times.. It warmed my heart when the president of Portugal also apologized.. sadly the human history is filled with atrocities and blood...The portuguese and their ancestors were enslaved by many people too, like happened with the entire world...everybody was someone's slave at some point... the bloody wars for territory and power.

History is what they want us to see. History is what we want to see.
The same happens with the history of the rest of the world. We just know one side of the history. Ours. Our country's.

The same happens with the history that is written now. It depends of which country you live, which television channel you watch, which newspapers you read, the alliances your country has, which countries is your country subordinate to, and on..

The reality we know is conditioned by economical, social, political interests.. it depends on every and any factors, just not moral factors. 

Morality is not important. The manipulation of your moral values is what is important. You need to believe you are with the good guys!

"History is just new people making old mistakes" - Freud

Our inner animal

I would like people to see what I see... 
I would like people to see the world from my eyes...

People see a car, I see a piece of steel;
People see a mansion, I see a big block of cement being used to store stuff collected during a lifetime;
People see a garden, I see nature being used as decoration;
People see a clothing store, I see coloured fabrics that are cut in different shapes to make more money possible;
People see gold, I see yellow decorations made out of a rock;
People see beauty, I see insecurity disguised with makeup tricks and bodies filled with silicone;
People see politeness, I see too many fake smiles and hypocrisy;
People see intelligent graduates, I see people with very good memory;
People see jobs, I see the only way of survival for the majority in this society;
People see family, I see expectations and disappointment;
People see leaders, I see egos;
People see History, I see blood and massacres for land and power;
People see dreams and goals, I just see money.

Todays' society is a battle of egos, a vanity fair.. for who has the best body, the best job, the best house, the best car, the best outfit, the prettiest face, the greatest amount of money in the bank, and on..

In the end, we are still very connected to our primitive animal instincts.. being the best, the strongest to survive in the jungle.. 

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