Animals living in the human world

Pets are animals from other species that the human race like to have in their homes, for company, affection, protection and entertainment.

There are people that care more about their pets, than about people. They treat them like a family member, even though there's no common language.
So why relationships work better for them with pets than humans? Maybe cause the pets are obedient and they know what behaviours expect from pets. 

People say they love animals, but if they weren't buying them, there wasn't animals suffering in breeding farms. Pets are a very cruel and profitable business.   

Everything humans touch, everything humans can make money, there is always a dark side..

The dog is one of the most popular pets. 
They are allowed to do things in homes that no family member can do, like: walking in the street and coming inside home with dirty feet, seating on the sofa, on the bed, on the bathtub, leaving their hair everywhere. 
They also poop and piss, without cleaning themselves, and they seat on the sofa, on the bed, carpet, bathtub and others places.

The cats are also very populars pets, and like the dog, they are, as well, privileged. They come from the street, walk and seat everywhere in the house, like on the kitchen counter where food is prepared, leaving their hair and licking the food;  

It doesn't sound very hygienic. But I am sure, the owners of pets are taking extra care, disinfecting and cleaning more often.

Pets, when appreciate, have a nice life. Humans provide them food, water, bath them, clean their poop, wash their food dishes, buy them beds, toys, etc.

Are really the animals the pets? Or are the humans the pets of the animals?

How these small animals submitted other species to them, like the humans?
Now, they don't have to hunt to feed themselves, to look for shelter, to fear attacks of other animals, the cold, the rain... The humans do all that for them and they also have a plus, that is affection and playing time.

How many different species live together in the same place? Having the dominant one to be submissive.
This must be something unique in the animal world. 

Well, it didn't start like this, cause many years ago, humans were keeping captives theirs wild ancestors to help them in the daily life. Like the "wolves", to help them with the sheep, hunting, and others tasks. 
Until they became domesticated.

Unfortunately, animals are not just house pets. All kinds of animals are used for testing the human products and medicines. Others are being used for human consumption; many for their skins for human clothing; others for human entertainment in circus and zoos..

The human being not just pollutes and steals all the resources of the nature from the animals, but also explores all the animals, for his convenience. 

Domestic animals have rights in some countries, but not the wild animals and the ones in farms, in laboratories, circus, zoos.

The only protection these animals have is a humane slaughter. Like if it was possible to be humane, when killing a being that doesn't want to die.

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