Our Old People

People look to old people like they are from another planet.

I see in their eyes, that I am the person they were but, now, trapped in a fragile body.. 
..they are the same person, just the body changed....

They still have dreams, and desires..they still want to have fun!

The wrinkles of these people are time represented.
They saw so many things, they experienced so much ...Some lived almost a century... so much change they saw happening.... talking with them is better than reading a book or a watching a documentary...

These naive young people, in the rush for living, are going to fall so many times... if they would just take the time to talk with the wiser people in their lives... they were teenagers once.. they know what is to feel misunderstood, to fall in love for the first time.. 

But, maybe being young is about that...falling your own falls and learn from it as you are getting up...not knowing that the next fall is very close....

Old people deserve so much more respect. But they are seen as old, useless, sick, boring

And they feel so much loneliness in their houses...These people gave birth, raised us, worked for us, feed us, bath us, dressed us.. and, now, many of us don't have time for them..

..They look back when they were young and it seems long time ago, but they can still feel the sensations and emotions they felt...

My grandmother used to love to go for a ride, cause when she was a girl, she just had a donkey cart

My grandmother used to love to shop in big supermarkets cause when she was young, there was not much products in the grocery shop shelves, even if you had money..

Now, she's gone. But before, she shared her story. She lived dictatorship and democracy. 
Her marriage was arranged. Her fiancé was from a friend family of the neighbor.
They used to date at the window, of her parents' house.

I feel that I know her better as a person now. 

Their time is finishing.. 

One day we are going to be just like them..is that the way we want to be seen? To be treated?

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