
It's not easy to interact with people.
People expect you to act according their values and morals; dress to match what they find acceptable; to agree with their certainties, and on..

There are so many expectations, are endless...and it starts when the parents plan to have a baby. This baby that hasn't born yet, and already so much is expected from her/him .. how she/he will look like; education; what school will go; the professional career, marriage, grandchildren, etc.

And the expectations continue as the baby grows to become adult...expectations from the parents, from the family, from the friends, form the lover, from the job, from the neighbors, from the society, from the government, from the country, from the world.

This baby will grow in a system where everybody will expect something from her/him at some point, but the closest people are the one that will expect more.. constantly..and till her/his death.

People expect from others, as others had and have expectations from them all the time.. during their whole lives..

But what is exactly having expectations of others? Is expecting others to do what we expect them to do.  That is the same to say: wanting others to do what we want them to do.  

So, expectations aren't that harmless. 
But why people what to impose and force others to do what they want?

Well, it seems that somehow people believe that they know what is the best for them and others: the best words, conducts and behaviors for the different situations.

The problem is that each person has a different idea of what are the corrects words, conducts and behaviors to have and they all believe they are the ones who are correct.

In the majority of the conflicts it is not what you did but what you didn't do that the other was expecting from you..

Nobody want us to be what we are. People want us to be what they would like us to be.

How pretentious can people be! 
How can they see themselves as perfect role models to follow?
People think themselves owners of the truth...they are just owners of their own truth... not others.

Every person is unique...just each person knows what makes her/him happy..what is the best for themselves...every person is a world

We can give our advices if someone asks for it. But that's it.

"Live and let live"

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