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Everything in Nature has a purpose.
And despite, its complexity, it works perfectly organized and in harmony, in order to maintain its equilibrium. 

The sun gives light to see, warms us, just enough to not froze and to not burn us. The heat of the sun makes plants grow, that provides us food; 

The seas moderate the climate, produce oxygen, create rain that cool down the temperatures, water the plants.
The seas and rivers bring us important nutrients for the survival of the species;

The trees give us shadow that protect us from the solar rays, produce oxygen, provide food, etc.
In Nature, it can be found all kind of raw foods with different flavors, textures and all the nutrients the species need to thrive;

The diversity of species is part of a food chain, that was perfectly conceived to maintain the equilibrium of the species. So, none specie will be dominant. 

Nature provides everything to its creatures: oxygen to breath; adequate weather; shelter for protection; food and water.  
Nature is not just this, is everything. Is the whole earth and all its components and system.
And we treat Nature like our litter bin.…or as decoration for the cities, or as touristic attraction to profit from it. 
Nature is so much more than that...we cannot survive without Nature's precious gifts... 

Humankind is part of Nature. Apparently, herbivorous. Created without claws, or proper teeth to rip off a corpse, or without a digestive system capable to digest raw meat. 
So, if humans were living, today, in the wild Nature, without weapons, just like all the others animals, they couldn't hunt like all the carnivorous. 
Humans would probably be herbivorous and would have their predators, that would balance the food chain and the species numbers.

But, Humans not only discovered Nature's magic formula of food production (agriculture), they also developed weapons to hunt animals, without whom, they anatomically couldn't. And discovered fire that allowed humans to cook and eat meat. 
But humans still don't like the flavor of the meat and warm blood, like the other carnivorous, as they need to use seasonings.

Today, humans not just dominate the art of agriculture but also invented poisons to add to the food
Today, humans are not just capable of killing their predators, but also to keep other animals captivate, forcing them to constantly reproduce in order to have always available big quantities of animal food, to  eat and to profit, by selling it. 

But, it is not just only the food offered by Nature that is not good enough for the humans. Humankind have been destroying the beautiful and colorful Nature to give place to grey squares of cement, where they prefer to live surrounded by objects that keep collecting during their lifetime.

Humankind is, clearly, not acting according to their Nature. And, worst, they are manipulating something (Nature) that they don't dominate. 
Humankind is polluting the land, air and water of all the living beings. 
Is destroying the equilibrium of all animal species and the natural food chain.
Is poising themselves, creating mortal diseases for their bodies, and treating it with more poison (chemicals).

All humankind' "feats" are being done for comfort - inventing objects for everything. 
Even theirs's bodies are being transformed with chemicals of colors, that are called makeup and cosmetic surgeries made by butcher sculptors.

Why humankind hates so much themselves and the world?

Earth was, already, a paradise.

What animal is this that is playing God's role?

Maybe, this mistake will be corrected soon.. when another cycle begins, another natural disaster happens, like it, apparently, happened before. 
In Nature, the important is the equilibrium.

The Smart Gadgets' Generation

Today, everything is smart..everything thinks for you...everything is made to make your life easier.
The computers, the phones, the Tvs, the watch, the cars, the fridge, the Gps, the cameras, etc.

So, you don't have to think, you don't have to use your brain.

But for what? For what are we saving our brains for?
Why we don't want to use our brains?

Everything is becoming smarter and the human stupider..

People don't want to think anymore. They want somebody to think for them, even gadgets.

People just simply follow what their parents did, what society do, what internet says.. and do the same...

There's no reflection. There's no creativity. There's no challenge. 

People assume that everything was already discovered, that everything is the way it should be.

People assume that our reality is correct and somebody knows better than them.

Before, people didn't have access to information. People were kept ignorant, people were manipulated with the only information was given to them;

Before, there was no "real" freedom of expression, thinking was oppressed..

Now, people have no restrictions..the internet is a window to freely look to the world, but people choose to use it just for the daily utilities, for entertainment...

People chose not to think.. to keep themselves in their safe place.. the ignorance..

And that's how the powerful people of the world, always liked people to be..ignorant!

Cause ignorant people can easily be manipulated .. be told what to think, keep them busy working for their companies, and to convince them to use their earnings to buy what they produce, making them believe they need that stuff to be happy..
So, the salaries they pay, comes back duplicated...

In the meantime, important decisions are being made in politics, in health, in taxes, in education, etc..that is changing our lives and our children's. But we are so entertained by our gadgets and in getting them.. that we don't even notice... 
Posting photos of ourselves and our lives is so much important!

We are exactly what they want us to be.. lazy and ignorant workforce and consumers, which purpose is to make them  richer and richer... more and more powerful


Singer: Eddie Vedder
Video by tiagoalvin 

Brilliant Thoughts of Franz Kafka

  • "I am a cage in search of a bird."

  • "All that you are seeking is also seeking you."

  • "A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity."

  • "There are times when I am convinced I am unfit for any human relationship."

  • "Just because your doctor has a name for your condition, doesn't mean he knows what is it."

  • "Start with what is right rather then what is acceptable."

  • "I am free and that is why I am lost."

  • "Paths are made by walking."

  • "I do not read advertisements. I would spend all of my time wanting things."

  • "A first sign of the beginning of understanding is the wish to die."

  • "I have spend all my life resisting the desire to end it."

  • "Isolation is a way to know ourselves."

  • "Love is a drama of contradictions."

  • "It is often safer to be in chains than to be free."

  • "I lack nothing. I only needed myself."

  • "In argument similes are like songs in love, they describe much, but prove nothing."

  • "It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary. A melancholy conclusion. It turns lying into a universal principle."

  • "In a man's struggle agains't the world. Bet on the world."

  • "Youth is happy cause it has the ability to see beauty. Who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old."

  • "Don't bend, don't water it down. Don't try to make it logical. Don't edit your soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly."

  • "All language is but a poor translation."

  • "By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. The nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired."

  • "I have the true feeling of myself only when I am unbearably unhappy."

  • "This tremendous world I have inside of me. How to free myself, and this world, without tearing myself to pieces. And rather tear myself to a thousands pieces than be buried with this world within me."

- Franz Kafka
Czechoslovak writer

The Wolf and the Herd of Sheep

I am not a puppet, nor the master..What am I?

In the "societies" of humankind always existed the leader and the followers, in all kind of human interactions and relationships, as: religious, political, military, family, friendship, etc.

So, what am I am? None. I am a person that thinks for myself and makes my own decisions based on my circumstances. 

Me, personally, never felt the need to follow what others do, cause what others do, might be the best for them, but not for me. 
And I don't feel the need to tell others what to do, cause every situation and needs are different from each person. 

And I could never understand when I see others doing it without, even questioning..

Being like this causes problems, because a person that is not a follower nor a leader confuses people. They don't know how to interact with that person.

People are used to " let 's do as I say" or "we do as you say". 
The ones that want to be the leaders would try to make me submissive to their wills, some with charm and subtlety. 

And the ones that need to follow someone, will look for a leader in another person. Cause they need someone to assure them in their decisions. It makes them feel safer.

What are you? Think well..
I believe that nobody should be a follower. 
And leaders shouldn't be needed.
Leaders are for insecure people, scared people who believe that others know better what is best for them...
How other person will know better what is the best for yourself?!

Leaders, in general, believe that what is the best for them is the best for everybody. They might think that everybody is or should be like them. 
They must see themselves as perfect role models for others to follow.. How humble!
It can be a friend, a family member, anybody..

But, there are people that, truly, are just trying to help others.

It is understandable the existence of organization, rules and punishments. But that is all that is needed. 

Society´s main moral values should be based in: " Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you" - That simple!

Just because some people have good communication skills and talks with conviction, it doesn't make it truth. 

Just because some people studied more than you.. that don't make them more intelligent than you. They didn't discover nothing. They just memorized what was said and discovered by others. 

Just because someone is older than you.. that doesn't make them wiser. They are talking about their own experience. Each one of us experience the same things differently.

Of course, if you are sick and you go to the doctor, he, normally, will know better than you. Cause of his knowledge in that specific area ..but even medicine can be wrong..

..In some decades, people will be horrified by the violence of the cancer's they are horrified now by the medieval treatments, like: bleeding - that was the solution for all diseases.  As alcohol and cocaine was given as medicine, even for children. 
The patient stops feeling pain, so the medicine was working and the patient was better. But in reality, they were drugged or drunk. 

So even major diplomas don't mean nothing. Science is made of experiences and people are its human guinea pigs.

People need to keep themselves informed. 

People should be able to know what are their needs and dreams and not waiting for others to tell them.

People should get to know themselves better and don't underestimated themselves so much..

We can accept, for sure, opinions, advices, suggestions.. but we would just follow what is adjusted to us.

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