Are We Our Personality?

What is personality? personality is a combined set of attributes that we acquired during our life, in interaction with experiences.

So, personality is in constant change... as we are always having new experiences. 

Maybe you didn't like to go to the swimming pool, cause you were scared of drowning, but then you got lesson and learnt to swim. Today, you love to go to the swimming pool.

Maybe you used to be an anxious and nervous person until you decided to learn relaxation techniques.

Maybe before, you used to consider yourself a courageous and brave person, until the day, you were attacked and robbed by an armed person. There, you realised your limitations.

Today, we follow ideias that define our life style and our behaviours, but maybe tomorrow, we change our mind. 

We are not our personality. And our personality is not an excuse for us doing or not doing certain things.

We can work and change aspects of our personality that we don't like and are an obstacle to our happiness. As we can work and change aspects of our personality that are aggressive for others. 

We all have different personalities, but we all are conscious and realise what we do and what is wrong and right. 
We know when we do something we wouldn't like others to do to us, regardless of personality or perspective. 

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