Death Penalty

I agree with the life and the death that each person chooses for themselves. 

Therefore, the death penalty procedure goes strictly against what I believe. 

How many innocents have been executed in the hand of their justice’s executioner?! 

I can understand the government's intention that wants to instill fear to possible criminals and to use the damned as an example, as a discouragement method. 

But isn’t it of an extreme cruel nature? Are we the good guys cause we kill the bad guys? Is this the justice we are seeking? Kill to apply justice, isn’t killing too?

How many times did the death penalty served political and economic interests?! 

Doesn’t Death Penalty discriminate rich from poor?

Isn't it a tempting tool for our corrupt leaders?

Are the moral values of the society and its laws sufficient to distinguish what is or is not a crime? 

In some countries of Africa and Asia, being homosexual is punishable by Death Penalty!

Not long ago the Holy Inquisition sentenced to death millions of people for practicing other religions, formulating scientific theories and others. 
Currently, in the majority of the countries, these crimes are no longer considered crimes. Today is considered crime, killing people for these reasons. 

Unfortunately, the justice has several ways of being interpreted and applied..

Anyway, isn't the Death Penalty, a violation of all human rights?

Isn't it a primitive measure to solve crime?

 As a citizen of the world, I believe that the solution to lower criminality numbers is to improve people's living conditions, investing in education, training, providing jobs, better salaries, integration in society. A person that lives a decent life, hardly will commit offenses. 

As we are learning that is not correct to educate with violence, we must realize that we cannot re-educate with death. 

The violence in children’s education only teach them that they have to be submissive because the disobedience hurts, and that the stronger is who makes the rules. 

What would we be saying to our children by agreeing with the Death Penalty? Probably that if it's for a good reason, you can kill. 

As I also believe that the society shouldn't pay with their taxes for the livelihood of the criminals.  
Prisons shouldn't be just a state institution but managed as well as state companies. 
The inmates should work inside the prisons to provide for themselves. Agriculture, for example.

I believe this would be also a form of reducing crime inside the prisons and to prepare the ones with minor crimes for their future reintegration in the society. 

Every human being, criminal or not, shouldn't have the right to die their own death? 

It's still a human being, right? But, there are human beings that are very little or nothing humane. 
These ones should never be released.. like the pedophiles.. there's no cure for them.. they feel attracted to children like a man for a's in their nature.. they should never live in society.  Their sickness destroys others' lives forever..

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