Stereotypes by Nationality III - Global Power Seekers

Stereotypes about the North Americans (USA)

They are: friendly, fast food lovers, generous, optimistic, guns lovers, TV lovers, proud, informal, credit card lovers, patriotic 

Their dark side: lazy, materialistic, ignorant about the rest of the world, saviors of the world, loud, wasteful, egocentric, individualist

Stereotypes about the United States of America: corruption, power angry, high crime rate, drugs, big environmental footprint, Blues, high rate of teenagers single mothers, obesity, expensive health and educational system, traffic, poverty, homelessness, land of opportunities,  immigration, pollution, unemployment, police brutality, violence, promiscuity, bullying, inequality, sexism, morals decline, racism, xenophobia, excessive military budget.

Stereotypes about the Russians

They are: tough, proud, patriotic, authentic, reserved, bold, spirit of sacrifice

Their dark side: rude, serious, distrusting, cold, heavy alcohol drinkers, violent, irresponsible, West haters, uneducated, bad drivers, gold teeth

Stereotypes about Russia: corruption, power angry, mafia, drugs, prostitution, poverty, unemployment, cold weather, high infidelity, domestic violence, low cost of living, inequality, low national wage, sexism, racism, homophobic, bureaucracy, martial arts, crime, decline of morals, propaganda in national TV, brides for sale in the internet, closed cities, good athletes, Chernobyl 

Stereotypes about the Chinese

They are: hard working, gracious, polite, kind, modest, humble

Their dark side: individualist, rude, bad drivers, unsocial, closed, reserved, racist, shy, rough, uneducated, bad-mannered, introvert, restrained, strict

Stereotypes about China: poverty, inequality, corruption, pollution, sexism, violence, pushing everywhere, constant spitting to the floor, always overcrowded, inequality, low national wage, traffic, poor food safety, high living cost, censored internet, nobody line up, poor hygiene, questionable freedom of speech, Media controlled by the government, propaganda, poor health and education system, contrast of the modern and the ancient, one-child rule, poor customer service, ancient history, exploited workers, martial arts, great athletes, strong economy, cheap fake copies of the western products.

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