Stereotypes by Nationality IV - Communist countries

Stereotypes of some communist dictatorships 

Stereotypes of the North Korean

They are: loyal, hardworking, obedient, civilized, polite, hygienic, respectful with the elders, reserved, proud of the country,

Their dark side: unaware of the rest of the world, don't know they have other rights, don't know another reality 

Stereotypes of North Korea: corruption, poverty, malnutrition,  Media controlled by the government, inequality, propaganda on TV channels and everywhere, no freedom of speech, free health care and education, racism, xenophobia, deserted streets and roads in the capital, illegal to emigrate, misogyny, low national wage, low crime rate, limited electricity,  internet is some kind of intranet with their own operating system "Red Star OS", isolated, secretive, strict fashion rules, clean streets, follow their own calendar based on the birth of their leader, porn is illegal, fake democracy, three generation punishment, dating police, no consumerism, no unemployment, USA and Japan as enemies, embargoes and sanctions,  car, laptop and fridge are luxuries.

Stereotypes of the Cuban

They are: friendly, party going, talkative, family oriented, warm, people help each other, carefree, resourceful, outgoing

Their dark side: loud, dishonest, lazy, vain, gold-digger, know-it-all, cunning, over confident, opportunist, manipulative

Stereotypes of Cuba: corruption, poverty, prostitution, Media controlled by the government, inequality, no freedom of speech, free health care and education, low national wage, internet is some kind of intranet with their own operating system "National Nova", isolated, promiscuity, good weather, USA embargo, low morals, infidelity, dirty streets, poor public transports, secretive, car, cell phone, laptop are luxuries 

Stereotypes of Vietnamese

They love: family, white skin, laugh, coffee shops, relaxation, pho, jokes, sarcasm, optimism, nap after lunch, reputation, humility

Their dark side: loud, impolite, bad drivers, individualist, dishonest, braggers, nicer to tourists, distrust, manipulative, disrespectful

Stereotypes about Vietnam: poverty, corruption, bureaucratic, racism, overcrowded, dirty and littered streets, high crime rate, poor health and education system, prostitution, pollution, poor food hygiene, aggressive traffic, expensive cars, food filled with chemicals, robbery, polite language, justice system is questionable, corrupted police, inequality, morals in decline, brides for sale in the internet, Vietnam war, USA embargo,etc.

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