The Perfect Human Being

We are all dying people walking to our deaths..walking to our graves..
Our time is running out..
There's a tombstone already waiting for our names to be written..

...So why so much hate? So much greed? So much lust? So much envy? So much violence? So much killing?...

...So much blood...So much much suffering...

..and more hate...and more violence...more killing and more blood..and more...and more...of this repetitive cycle...

Soon we will be just memories that one day will be forgotten ..
We will be just another old photo in a cemetery ..

We are just walking pieces of flesh decorated with fabrics, makeup, hair and vanity .. oh! so much vanity!
.. pieces of flesh that want to follow the trends of fashion, to be in shape, to drive expensive pieces of steel, to buy big squares of cement to live in..

Flesh covered with lotions and perfumes...pieces of flesh that desperately want to stop the clock...stop time..but time does not stop...the purpose of our flesh is to feed the's nature's cycle..

...delusional pieces of flesh with enormous egos and ambitions competing with each others..

Pieces of flesh hiding obscure secrets and doubtful thoughts..

All I see are future corpses roaming in the streets...time keeps counting...Tic! Tac! Tic! Tac! The clock does not stop! Tic! Tac! Tic! Tac!

Society's Masquerade Ball

Interacting with society is like going to a masquerade ball, where everybody wears masques and performs a weird social dance.

Each society has its own rules, laws... but there are some wicked social conduct codes that nobody talks about, but "everybody" knows and follows. 

Everybody is invited!

I deciphered some:

1- "Politeness".
Here, politeness is, many times, secretly synonym of hypocrisy. In another words, pretending to like somebody and being nice just to keep a superficial relationship based in interests. 
Many times, both parts are doing the same. The famous dear "frenemies".

2 - Criticising and making offensive things intentionally, but pretending that it was a misunderstanding.
The secret reason behind this, are mind games to measure strengths and test limits, boundaries. To determine who is the dominator and the follower.
Lots of sneaky people love to play this game. 

3 - Always bragging about their achievements and how good they are.
It's usually synonymous of lies and insecurity. 
They need to prove themselves better than you by stepping in your self-esteem. They will never have nothing nice to say about you.
Often, when two people are doing the same, both are "friendly" competing with each other. 

4 - Talking behind others back.
The obvious purpose is the manipulation of others opinion to spread rumours and damage someone's reputation. 
This gossip can, also, be an indirect way to get a confidence from you, about certain person, with some malicious motive. 
Very likely, this person is also talking about you, in your back. 

5 - Asking indirect weird questions.
The secret intention is wanting to know something about your life or others, without you noticing.
Attentive people will get it.

6 - Receiving flattery and praises from someone not close, that you don't know well.
It can be someone looking for approval or a parasite looking for a host to take advantage of something you have and they want. This flatter has a hidden interest, wants to win your trust, needs some favour from. And is massaging your ego to get it.

7 - The victims that constantly are getting their feelings hurt and being offended. 
The secret goal is using emotional blackmail, to make you feel guilty and force you to go their way, to impose something, to influence you do to something they want. Or just to make you look bad (the villain) in front of others. 
Who is used to play main roles in similar dramatic films, will just ignore the blackmail.

8 - People with short memory that when caught in a lie and confronted, never remember nothing and deny it.
Well, there's not much secret here. They are lying and don't want to admit it. These people never take responsibility.
They will put their best "surprised face" and if there's more people involved, they will turn them against you. So, you will be the liar that is unfairly accusing them.
But, there's people that also knows very good all the dance steps for the "I am so innocent" music. So they'll "kindly" dance together.

9 - People that insult you with a smile and criticises you with humour, normally in front of others.
This person is clearly making fun of you and disrespecting you, but pretending that is just joking. 
If you don't laugh too and just-for-kidding give it back, you will receive more of this "funny" jokes. 
If you react badly, everybody will say that you have no sense of humour. After all, that person was just kidding!!!... 
You will be, also, showing a "weakness" that will be used to annoy you more times, by the "funny guy"!  

10 - People that are always right and you are playing the victim.
When you directly confront them with something mean they did to you, it's, always, going to be your fault, cause you are too dramatic, too sensitive and take everything too serious. You are always complaining. 
There's no point of confronting these people directly. There's no point of keeping these people in your life, neither. But, if you have to, you must learn how to turn the table, like they do.

11 - People that indirectly will do everything to exclude you from the circle if you "steal" their spotlight.
Vain people that always need to be the centre of attention and to stand out, are, normally, insecure and jealous people that are craving attention as a form of social validation. 
A member of the social ball will recognise the arrogant attention seeker and will ignore. There's nothing worst to them. 

I will update, when I find out more of these perverse rituals. 
It can take some time, cause everything is so dissimulated that is not easy to realise. It's like being in a play, where people are acting and you have no script.
Sometimes we don't realise quickly and keep tolerating, cause they are nice, but not nice...confusing, isn't?

Many people play these games and "sweetly" make their moves, pretending nothing is happening. They will always act indirectly and, of course, "not on purpose"

"Love" is in the air!! Hypocrisy is served!!

The easiest way to recognise these kind of people is by the way they make you feel: 
  • Uncomfortable,
  • Guilty,
  • Disrespected,
  • Stressed,
  • Not appreciated,
  • Frustrated,
  • Doubting yourself,
  • Pessimist.

Why they do that?
Generally, people that does this kind of things are not happy or don't feel good in their own skin. 
And because they are not happy, they don't want others to be. So they will try to bring you deep as they are..

Many of them are just lies.. are fake. They need to create a personage, a character in order to love themselves and to enjoy to live their life.

They might envy and judge, even, the smile you have in your face..
These people, normally, have little or no empathy and are not very emotional. It's all about them. 

Can they change?
Hardly these people will change, cause they believe they never wrong and they want everyone else to change to follow them. So, don't waste your energies, trying to change them. It will be a very long and frustrating process. Just life can teach them.
Most likely, they are already trying to change you.

Even though truth is an important global value of every society, not many people seems to respect it.
Each person makes their own interpretation of truth. So, truth is relative. Is not the same for everybody. Therefore, and sadly cannot be trusted. 

So, not everything you see and hear can be believed. 
Unfortunately, not everybody that smiles to you, likes you. Normally the lips are smiling but not the eyes.

But, don't close your heart to everybody, just read the signs and hear your emotions ...

Being rational is not important in society. But reasonable.

... And be careful to not be a player yourself, another dancer. 
<When we deal with "monsters" we can turn ourselves into "monsters" too.>

Be who you are but "don't do to others, what you wouldn't like others to do to you".

The Crucifixion of Woman

"Woman is the gate to hell and her gaping genitals the yawning mouth of hell" 
- Tertullian, carthaginian christian theologian (2/3rd century) 

"As regards the sexes, the male is by nature superior and the female inferior, the male ruler and the female subject" 

- Aristotle, greek philosopher and scientist (4th century)

"If the soul succumbs to the emotions, it will live unjustly, and it will be punished by being reincarnated in a woman's body." 

- Plato, greek philosopher (4/5 century)

"There is a good principle which created order, light and man and an evil principle which created chaos, darkness and woman." 

- Pythagoras, greek mathematician and philosopher(6th century )

"The women is submissive to man for her weakness of spirit and body. She is an incomplete being, an imperfect man. 
Woman is defective and bastard, for the active force in the male seed is for the production of a perfect likeness in masculine sex. While the generation of woman comes from a defect in the active force. in Summa Theologica".

 - Saint Thomas Aquinas, italian catholic priest (13th century) .

"Frailty, thy name is woman!" 

- Shakespeare, english poet, playwright (16th century)

"The words and works of God are quite clear, that women were made either to be wives or prostitutes"  

- Martin Luther, german theologist professor and priest (16th century)

" Of all the plagues with which the world is cursed, the women is the worst one".

- George Granville, english poet and politician (18th century)

male authority,
male intellectual superiority, 
male dominance, 
sexual harassment, 

All of this is directed to women, just to be born a woman, just for being a woman. 

Let's call things by its names. 

The name is not feminism and this is, certainly not about feminism, but understanding the reality of our past and our present.

Unfortunately, this is not something from the past. This still happens today, in our societies, all over the world. 

Women were and are still oppressed by society

Women were and are still considered inferior to men

Women were and are still considered weaker

Women were and are still considered dumber

Women were and are still considered a sort of property

So why did this happen?
Everything seems to began when woman and man were living as nomads, in tribes.
In the wild, strength was an important mean of survival. Man took advantage of his strength for hunting and protection, while for the women were left the safer tasks of preparing food, carrying water, making clothing, taking care of the young children. 
As man was physically stronger than woman, he submitted her to his wills.

As civilizations developed and strength was no longer the main mean for survival, religion accused woman of being the destroyer of the paradise, the creature that sentenced the world to live with evil and sin.

Women was guilty of bringing the original sin into the world, when Eve gave the apple of wisdom to Adam. 
For being the reason of the existence of the sin, by tempting the man with their charms, like Eve did. Bringing lust and adultery. 
Women was considered evil and not trustworthy. So, according to the church, women should be in permanent punishment by submission to men. 

Women were punished for the feeling and thoughts they were provoking on men.
Women were sexually objectified by men, and men blamed them for that,
Women were considered evil sorceresses for making men fall in love and develop emotions and sensitivity. So making them weaker and easier manipulable.

Man creates this moral code, gives woman sexual power for not being able to resist his own sexual impulses, and repudiates woman for that.

So woman was removed from society, excluded from having an active role in society and was controlled by men.

And what did the dominant man do? Now, without any emotional influence, he followed his aggressive and competitive instincts and made wars, fought for territory, for power, for richness, for pride.

The problems we are facing today, are all responsibility of man: pollution, poverty, unemployment, wars, world's economy, corruption, drugs, religious conflicts, crime, prostitution, inequality, destruction of nature, etc.
These problems started long ago when women had no power or little. 

How different could have been our world if the woman wasn't oppressed and excluded?

How can men see women as perverse, if their own mothers are women? The same evil woman that gives them birth. 
The giving birth should be considered as a gift but even the childbirth and menstruation provokes disgust in men.

The man is the one that cannot control his sexual impulses, sometimes taking it by force (rape), but even so, women are the ones considered promiscuous and impure. 
The evil that tempts the poor man.

Prostitution just existed and exists to serve the desire of men. Man looks for it and is willing to pay in order to satisfy his sexual needs. 
If man really wouldn't want it, it wouldn't exist. 

After all, men fund houses of promiscuity and lust.
Contradictory, isn't?!

Men are the ones that should work their sexual self-control and learn to live more peacefully among others.

Women started to have some rights and equality 100 years ago, and they already, not only, prove to be able of the same, but they were also able to caught men, in such short period of time. 

Imagine if women weren't constrained, all these centuries, to the role of wife and mother! What could they have contributed to society. 

Women have different skills.

Women, never fought for superiority, for domination, but 
to be accepted in society as an equal human being; 
to have the same rights; 
to have control of their own bodies, lives and destiny; 
to be valued as a worker to achieve autonomy; 
to be free to make their own decisions; 
to be respected; 
to have a voice in politics; 
... just like men. 

Not superior to men. As men did to women, as many man are afraid of. But Equal.

In some countries, women achieved independence, autonomy, equality.

There, woman can finally starting to be herself. 

Our Honorable Sir Politicians

Democracy is a very young system of administration/government. 

The oldest countries had many centuries of monarchy. Some had dictatorships after monarchy, and just then, slowly, arrived the democracy. 

The concept of democracy was invented long time ago (15th century BC) by the greeks and was put to practice for the first time, in Athens. But, women couldn't not participate and had no basic rights.
Later became monarchy. 

Maybe, because democracy is so young, in the world, around 300 years old, (in the oldest countries) people don't seem to correctly understand it.

Democracy means strength to the people, rule of the people.

There are different variations, but  the essential is that people vote to elect a person/politician to represent their interests, to represent them, to solve their problems, to improve their life quality.

People are hiring these politicians and paying their salaries from the taxes of their salaries, from the vat of every purchase they do, from the taxes they pay.

Politicians are the workers of the people. They are working for the people, to serve the people. 
People are paying their salaries. We are the boss and they our employees. 
They aren't making us any favor. They should do their job properly. They are being payed and well paid. They don't receive minimum salaries like the people.

Politicians weren't elected to get rich, to have prestige, to build careers. We didn't elect them to improve their own lives, but ours, everybody's.
We hired them to solve our problems, to manage our country's budget, to clean our streets of trash, unemployment, drug, crime. To make our country a more functional and more pleasant place for the people to live in.

Democracy is not a place for elites and their friends to hang out, in expensive cars and have lunches in expensive restaurants at the expenses of the people. 

People need to understand that the politicians are not the powerful Your Excellency. They are not superior to the people. They should be respected, as every citizen, but not worshiped or feared.

The same goes for the public and governmental employees. People working in the city council, public hospitals, police, social security, tax office, civil registration, court, post office, public school, etc. They are there, to serve the people. It's their job. And they should serve us efficiently. They should be very cooperative and humble. We are paying their salaries, as well.

They are our voice, and when they are communicating to their people, they should use a simple and clear language, so everybody could understand. They are talking about subjects that are of the public interest.

They are, not only, deciding our lives, but also the future of our children. 
But, as people have difficulties in understanding their technical speech, people feel disinterested, dumb and ignorant. 

People should be aware of everything that is happening in their country: the country's accounts, laws, health, taxes, salaries, education, alliances, and on.
Everything should be presented and explained to people.
People should be informed. After all, who pays the bills are the people. But, instead, the politicians just present us the amount to pay, the invoice.

Politicians prefer to keep the people ignorant, uniformed, so they can do whatever they want, so their irregularities and mistakes will pass unnoticed. 

Our honorable and prestigious politicians are deciding our living conditions, and how much we are paying for it.
How are we so blindly let these people making such important decisions without even knowing what are our employees doing?

What kind of bosses are us? What would we think about a boss that lets the employees do everything without restrictions?

The role of the politicians is very important in a democracy, but just, if it really includes the people. Otherwise, is not a democracy. It's another thing. An illusion, a chimera, a lie.
Maybe an aristocracy, a dictatorship disguised, behind a charming and manipulative mask.

The work of these politicians is defining what is democracy.
Are we going to remain passive, indifferent?

The Perfect School

In the majority of countries, our intelligent graduated students are no more than people with great methods of memorization.

We spend almost half of our lives in school. 
School is the institution that prepare us for the professional life. 
Schools accompany the children growth to adolescence. So why doesn't prepare us for life, too?

In the perfect school, children were taught basic useful information for the daily life and for life in society.

Civism and Citizenship Education
Students should be aware of how important is their role in society.  

They should learn how to live in community, how society works, their duties and rights as a citizen, the payment of taxes, the rules of conduct, the moral and ethical values and responsibilities, the duty of voting. 

Giving special relevance to matters as racism, xenophobia and discrimination.

School should educate the future citizens, to be informed, responsible and participative, so they can create a better place for them to live. For their own benefit. 

School should teach how works the government of their country. 
The government positions, the state institutions, as well, their roles and duties.
Future voters and politicians should know the history of their politic system and how it develops to the system they have today.

In schools there should be, a subject about history of religions. Where all the religions were, impartially, explained. 

Sexuality and Drugs
From the age of 14 years old, school should have a session per school year, to talk about the most appropriate age for starting the sex life, after 18 years old or later - when people have more maturity to deal with it.
There were also clarified topics of marriage, pregnancy, sexual diseases, drugs and health consequences.
Allowing the students to solve their questions, after the session, in private.

Parents should be informed about the session and give permission. 

It's more efficient to talk about these issues before it happens.

All the students should wear a school uniform, provided by the schools, free of charge.
To promote an environment free of discrimination.

Lunches should be cooked daily from fresh ingredients.
Soup as starter, fruit as dessert and salad to go with the main meal. To drink just water and tea.
Ideally, should always have available, as well, a non-animal meal option.
It should be free of charge or the prices should be very low, symbolic.

There shouldn't exist the concern of school lunches being a profitable restaurant, Cause is not. But a nutritive canteen. After all, students eat in school every day. Students should be also educated about eating habits. 
Snacks should be fruit, nuts, popcorn (not industrial), oat cereals, dark chocolate, nutritive cookies and cakes.

Teaching Techniques
Teaching should be like a conversation, in order to make the assimilation of the information easier.
Instead of having the students seated for hours absorbing masses of information. It's counter-productive and boring. 
After all, our students are going to school to learn. So that should be the focus. To develop their critical thinking skills.

After primary school, there should be a career guidance office in the school, where students would go, 1 hour per week, to explore and have information about professions and careers. To help them to understand their vocation and to organize their educational path accordingly. 

There should be a subject of arts, where children would contact several arts, like painting, photography, sculpture, music, poetry, dance, theatre and others. 
Creativity is very important in the development of the human being.

Teachers are also a role model for the students.
Hiring the right teachers is very important. The candidates should go through a selection process of psychometric tests. They should be passionate about teaching and realize the importance of their role. 
Teachers should also wear a uniform.

Most importantly, school should be free, from primary school to university school. 
We are all paying taxes for everything and anything. I believe these taxes can cover all the school expenses.

Schools are training professionals but also the future adults.
The next generation...The responsible for building the next society.
We should take it very seriously.

To Live or not to Live

To Live or not to Live?

Since man settled and organized himself to live in community, that felt the need to standardize behaviors and create common values to live in harmony and social cohesion. 
For this purpose, social institutions and religions were established, to promote and protect these values. 
Every time time a behavior is modified it implies directly or indirectly a value change.

Considering that a value is part of people's cultural identification, contradicting a value, triggers resistance and even violent reactions. 
Society and its institutions defend fiercely their old traditional values to preserve what defines them as society, what unites them, their culture, their normality, what they understand as truth, how they perceive reality - the familiar.

For that reason, issues like Euthanasia and Abortion are so controversial around the world.

But wasn't change that brought us better medicine, better social and working conditions, technologies like electricity? 

The main issue is that certain procedures or behaviors are not only contradicting the values "imposed" by the society, but apparently are also against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which defends Life.

However, isn't infringing the right of freedom of choice (also advocated in the Declaration) not allowing an individual to make decisions about his own life, without affecting third parties? 

Though, some people consider taking someone life the fairer punishment (death penalty), they oppose to a  person to take their own live, through assisted suicide (euthanasia). Because they defend life!!?

What hypocrisy! One can decide that other had an action that justifies his death, but the person himself can't decide it. 

The human being seeks instinctively and intrinsically for survival. When a human being seeks death, his way of life must be really miserable, painful and unbearable. Granting it, we are being merciful, sensitive, and empathetic.

A person who asks to die because of his poor health condition, is suffering immensely. Life is our most precious commodity, but health is our essential source. 
Without health life becomes painful. 
Not everyone can stop living to just exist... 
Not everyone can live like dead.. for long... 
Our freedom, our life, like this, is, after all, artificial...

Are we really helping this person? Whom are we thinking of? How are we benefiting this person? Forcing him to suffer his disease? Prolonging their physical and psychological pain? Extending the suffering of the relatives? Are we really thinking in what is the best for that person? Or aren't we thinking in the conservation of our values? 

Anyway, why do we think we can decide for others life? Why we think we know what is best for a stranger?

Another issue that comes across, is the professional ethics. The health professionals’ ethics code forbids any act that threatens life. 
But don't they make Euthanasia every time they decide to, for example: turn off the button that feeds a patient. The patient died because was taken out a mean of survival. What name is given to this? Isn't this Euthanasia? 
Evidently not! Must be, again, hypocrisy! 

All laws and rules are interpreted and circumvented according convenience. 
How much longer we want to keep our eyes closed? 

Don’t we have more important issues to solve? Like helping people who are dying and want to live, instead of forbidding to die people who want to die? 
What is our priority? Isn’t to help those who are paying the price of our fantastic capitalist dream? It seems that people from third world countries are invisible ... what will happen if the situation reverses economically? Maybe they won’t also be able to see us?  Aren’t some of these countries emerging?

As capitalists that we are, can’t we see the unnecessary expenses with a person that, after all, do not want to live?

For me, the Euthanasia is the right to decide about our own death, the right to live with dignity, and to not live our death while still alive.

If we want to determine when, how and why others can die, of course, we also would want to decide when others can or not give life, to give birth. 

So let's use the moral and emotional blackmail to achieve it, making them feel criminals for killing a way of life.

How many forms of life we kill daily? 
Poor chickens, cows, ants. Ah! OK! Human life. Of course, human life is more valuable than all other forms of life. 

So, I am an assassin for killing an organism, which is not even a fetus, but it’s ok to use everyone ‘s money (taxes) to purchase weapons, to train people to kill others (these fully formed!). 
Won’t they feel more pain than an organism? I can build nuclear weapons and kill thousands, but not an organism?

"What is the difference between a serial killer that select a profile to systematically murder and a soldier, that does the same thing? Political, economic and cultural interests. However, the second one has a choice. "

Life is so precious in one context, but is no longer in other. Life is not life? Isn’t it what you are defending? Especially the religion, so fervently. How many crimes were committed in the name of your God, religion? You are not a young lady, aren’t you? You have a long history of blood.. and all for the good of the mankind. To teaches us what is right. 

After all, the defenders of life do not defend life above all? So, life is defended dependently of context .. 

People use the values as suit them better. They distort it, manipulate it and use it for personal gain, and to strangle the development.
"(…)For people with different values, the correct is relevant in the universe of their own concepts." 

What future is reserved for this new being, unwanted? 
How is going to be the family that will raised it? 
Will they have economic conditions? 
I guess there will be some abuse, especially psychological ... Will the new human being feels rejected? 
Will it feel a burden?
Will it consequently become a tormented being that will torment unconsciously other beings, but especially his future offspring? People are also the result of their environment ...
Bringing an unwanted being to the world is not to defend this life, but playing a dangerous game - the game of probabilities.

People think they are doing what is the correct. But the ones that disagree also think they are doing what is the correct. We all believe we are doing our best. What is the best for us and for others. How can we know what is the best for  others? For strangers?

Why is death a taboo? What is people’s fear? What can change in people's values? That people devalue life and want to die? Or maybe this liberalization leads to killing to being seen more easily? Don’t we do it already? Did not we do it during our war for territory and the affirmation of identity? How many atrocities have been committed in the name of peoples, cultures ?! How much pain! How much blood! ... Is it so important to kill for our cultural identity?

We can kill others, but cannot others kill themselves? 
We can kill an adult human being, but we can’t kill an organism? 

2000 people die of hunger every minute in the world. We know and we don’t do nothing. What are we? Cruel accomplices? Are we hypocrites or not?

Human hypocrisy is something that really outrages, disgusts, saddens and frightens me.

What I can concluded is that rules and values should not be kept too rigid or it will strangulate natural evolution and it will run over the individual needs.
More than defending positions and values, I defend the right to freedom of each person to make their decisions. 

I’m definitely not pro-death. I believe in freedom of choice. Whatever it is, do not let it to be oppressive, cruel and insensitive. 
No one should be forced to anything, nor to be alive. And above all no one should decide the fate of another person if this doesn’t present harm for others. 
In the moment that a person ceases to have the right to decide on his life, he loses his freedom.

Don’t judge others, you never know what is waiting for you and yours. One day can be you facing death penalty, even if you are innocent; one day can be you just depending on a machine to keep you alive, as a vegetal;  one day can be you that is pregnant from a mistake or an abuse…

Nature is the only pure thing in this world. Nature truly defends life. 
Nature kills for defense, for protection, for feeding, for procreation…for survival. 
And we are all sons of Nature, but we think ourselves superior. We despise our mother and made her our servant, and our other brothers (other animals) our pets.

Our mother sees no difference between her sons and when a new cycle begins, we will be all treated as equals. 
Our mother is sick and when our mother will die, we, all, will die with her. Just then, we will understand that she is more important than all our material dreams.

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