To Live or not to Live

To Live or not to Live?

Since man settled and organized himself to live in community, that felt the need to standardize behaviors and create common values to live in harmony and social cohesion. 
For this purpose, social institutions and religions were established, to promote and protect these values. 
Every time time a behavior is modified it implies directly or indirectly a value change.

Considering that a value is part of people's cultural identification, contradicting a value, triggers resistance and even violent reactions. 
Society and its institutions defend fiercely their old traditional values to preserve what defines them as society, what unites them, their culture, their normality, what they understand as truth, how they perceive reality - the familiar.

For that reason, issues like Euthanasia and Abortion are so controversial around the world.

But wasn't change that brought us better medicine, better social and working conditions, technologies like electricity? 

The main issue is that certain procedures or behaviors are not only contradicting the values "imposed" by the society, but apparently are also against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which defends Life.

However, isn't infringing the right of freedom of choice (also advocated in the Declaration) not allowing an individual to make decisions about his own life, without affecting third parties? 

Though, some people consider taking someone life the fairer punishment (death penalty), they oppose to a  person to take their own live, through assisted suicide (euthanasia). Because they defend life!!?

What hypocrisy! One can decide that other had an action that justifies his death, but the person himself can't decide it. 

The human being seeks instinctively and intrinsically for survival. When a human being seeks death, his way of life must be really miserable, painful and unbearable. Granting it, we are being merciful, sensitive, and empathetic.

A person who asks to die because of his poor health condition, is suffering immensely. Life is our most precious commodity, but health is our essential source. 
Without health life becomes painful. 
Not everyone can stop living to just exist... 
Not everyone can live like dead.. for long... 
Our freedom, our life, like this, is, after all, artificial...

Are we really helping this person? Whom are we thinking of? How are we benefiting this person? Forcing him to suffer his disease? Prolonging their physical and psychological pain? Extending the suffering of the relatives? Are we really thinking in what is the best for that person? Or aren't we thinking in the conservation of our values? 

Anyway, why do we think we can decide for others life? Why we think we know what is best for a stranger?

Another issue that comes across, is the professional ethics. The health professionals’ ethics code forbids any act that threatens life. 
But don't they make Euthanasia every time they decide to, for example: turn off the button that feeds a patient. The patient died because was taken out a mean of survival. What name is given to this? Isn't this Euthanasia? 
Evidently not! Must be, again, hypocrisy! 

All laws and rules are interpreted and circumvented according convenience. 
How much longer we want to keep our eyes closed? 

Don’t we have more important issues to solve? Like helping people who are dying and want to live, instead of forbidding to die people who want to die? 
What is our priority? Isn’t to help those who are paying the price of our fantastic capitalist dream? It seems that people from third world countries are invisible ... what will happen if the situation reverses economically? Maybe they won’t also be able to see us?  Aren’t some of these countries emerging?

As capitalists that we are, can’t we see the unnecessary expenses with a person that, after all, do not want to live?

For me, the Euthanasia is the right to decide about our own death, the right to live with dignity, and to not live our death while still alive.

If we want to determine when, how and why others can die, of course, we also would want to decide when others can or not give life, to give birth. 

So let's use the moral and emotional blackmail to achieve it, making them feel criminals for killing a way of life.

How many forms of life we kill daily? 
Poor chickens, cows, ants. Ah! OK! Human life. Of course, human life is more valuable than all other forms of life. 

So, I am an assassin for killing an organism, which is not even a fetus, but it’s ok to use everyone ‘s money (taxes) to purchase weapons, to train people to kill others (these fully formed!). 
Won’t they feel more pain than an organism? I can build nuclear weapons and kill thousands, but not an organism?

"What is the difference between a serial killer that select a profile to systematically murder and a soldier, that does the same thing? Political, economic and cultural interests. However, the second one has a choice. "

Life is so precious in one context, but is no longer in other. Life is not life? Isn’t it what you are defending? Especially the religion, so fervently. How many crimes were committed in the name of your God, religion? You are not a young lady, aren’t you? You have a long history of blood.. and all for the good of the mankind. To teaches us what is right. 

After all, the defenders of life do not defend life above all? So, life is defended dependently of context .. 

People use the values as suit them better. They distort it, manipulate it and use it for personal gain, and to strangle the development.
"(…)For people with different values, the correct is relevant in the universe of their own concepts." 

What future is reserved for this new being, unwanted? 
How is going to be the family that will raised it? 
Will they have economic conditions? 
I guess there will be some abuse, especially psychological ... Will the new human being feels rejected? 
Will it feel a burden?
Will it consequently become a tormented being that will torment unconsciously other beings, but especially his future offspring? People are also the result of their environment ...
Bringing an unwanted being to the world is not to defend this life, but playing a dangerous game - the game of probabilities.

People think they are doing what is the correct. But the ones that disagree also think they are doing what is the correct. We all believe we are doing our best. What is the best for us and for others. How can we know what is the best for  others? For strangers?

Why is death a taboo? What is people’s fear? What can change in people's values? That people devalue life and want to die? Or maybe this liberalization leads to killing to being seen more easily? Don’t we do it already? Did not we do it during our war for territory and the affirmation of identity? How many atrocities have been committed in the name of peoples, cultures ?! How much pain! How much blood! ... Is it so important to kill for our cultural identity?

We can kill others, but cannot others kill themselves? 
We can kill an adult human being, but we can’t kill an organism? 

2000 people die of hunger every minute in the world. We know and we don’t do nothing. What are we? Cruel accomplices? Are we hypocrites or not?

Human hypocrisy is something that really outrages, disgusts, saddens and frightens me.

What I can concluded is that rules and values should not be kept too rigid or it will strangulate natural evolution and it will run over the individual needs.
More than defending positions and values, I defend the right to freedom of each person to make their decisions. 

I’m definitely not pro-death. I believe in freedom of choice. Whatever it is, do not let it to be oppressive, cruel and insensitive. 
No one should be forced to anything, nor to be alive. And above all no one should decide the fate of another person if this doesn’t present harm for others. 
In the moment that a person ceases to have the right to decide on his life, he loses his freedom.

Don’t judge others, you never know what is waiting for you and yours. One day can be you facing death penalty, even if you are innocent; one day can be you just depending on a machine to keep you alive, as a vegetal;  one day can be you that is pregnant from a mistake or an abuse…

Nature is the only pure thing in this world. Nature truly defends life. 
Nature kills for defense, for protection, for feeding, for procreation…for survival. 
And we are all sons of Nature, but we think ourselves superior. We despise our mother and made her our servant, and our other brothers (other animals) our pets.

Our mother sees no difference between her sons and when a new cycle begins, we will be all treated as equals. 
Our mother is sick and when our mother will die, we, all, will die with her. Just then, we will understand that she is more important than all our material dreams.

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