Our Concept of Careers

One of the main purposes of people's lives is to work to get money to marry, to pay taxes, to have their home, to have children, and work harder to raise their children, so they can work and do the same. 

Our time is rented for some company, to work for a specific amount for hours, to perform specific tasks, in a specific place. Our time is being payed for a specific value.

People are busy, working in different jobs, earning money to buy from each other's businesses.

We need to work, everything has a cost, since we born until we die. 
We are always paying for everything in our lives.
Our parents payed for us to born, and from there on, everything has a price:  
the house where we live;
the furniture we have in our house;
the food we eat;
the water we drink and shower;
the clothes we wear; 
the electricity we use;
the garbage we make;
the cars we drive, the fuel for the cars;
the roads where we drive in;
the education we have;
the treatments for our diseases;
the funeral, the coffin, the place where we are buried.

Even, when we fully pay a house or a car, we still need to pay every year a tax to the government for having bought a house a car. Even though is paid, we need to keep paying.

Nothing is free.. just the polluted air we breath... 

Everything has a cost. We are profit from the moment we born until we die.

Surprisingly, as if we weren't already paying enough, we are always looking for ways to pay more, to make ourselves more slaves of the work, of the money. By buying things we cannot afford, and paying it monthly, with taxes.
We are not what we possess, but what we possess, possesses us. 

In the end, what we so proudly call professional career is no more than an essential need for survival in a capitalist society. So, we can live with some dignity, with a roof above our heads, with clothes in our body, food in the table.

Work, after all, is a form of modern slavery.

When nature already had everything planned and have everything we need for all lives... and everything for free...  
Nature gives us the air to breath, the water to drink, the food to eat, shelter to live in, the day to warm us and live, the night to sleep and rest, beauty to dream of...

But we decided that it's not enough.. we want pollution, we want poisoned air and water, we want plastic food, we want to decorate ourselves with chemicals... to live surrounded of plastic, steel and cement and more chemicals... and, willfully, spend our lifetime, working to pay for these things...

That is what means comfort for the human being.

We could have transformed Nature, to make it more comfortable to live in, but not twisting and destroying everything...

We choose to be dependent and slaves of a system where we have to work, until our body is too old to keep working. almost dead, to buy things we don't need, which chemicals are killing us slowly... to pay for essentials things like water that already belong to us.. given by nature to all its existent species.

Awake.. we can stop this.. we may be hostages of this society, but we can stop the consumerism.. 
By stop buying things we don't need...we need to stop killing the nature...our home.. for vanity. 
Stop killing ourselves! 

"When the Last Tree Is Cut Down, the Last Fish Eaten, and the Last Stream Poisoned, You Will Realize That You Cannot Eat Money"

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