Our Honorable Sir Politicians

Democracy is a very young system of administration/government. 

The oldest countries had many centuries of monarchy. Some had dictatorships after monarchy, and just then, slowly, arrived the democracy. 

The concept of democracy was invented long time ago (15th century BC) by the greeks and was put to practice for the first time, in Athens. But, women couldn't not participate and had no basic rights.
Later became monarchy. 

Maybe, because democracy is so young, in the world, around 300 years old, (in the oldest countries) people don't seem to correctly understand it.

Democracy means strength to the people, rule of the people.

There are different variations, but  the essential is that people vote to elect a person/politician to represent their interests, to represent them, to solve their problems, to improve their life quality.

People are hiring these politicians and paying their salaries from the taxes of their salaries, from the vat of every purchase they do, from the taxes they pay.

Politicians are the workers of the people. They are working for the people, to serve the people. 
People are paying their salaries. We are the boss and they our employees. 
They aren't making us any favor. They should do their job properly. They are being payed and well paid. They don't receive minimum salaries like the people.

Politicians weren't elected to get rich, to have prestige, to build careers. We didn't elect them to improve their own lives, but ours, everybody's.
We hired them to solve our problems, to manage our country's budget, to clean our streets of trash, unemployment, drug, crime. To make our country a more functional and more pleasant place for the people to live in.

Democracy is not a place for elites and their friends to hang out, in expensive cars and have lunches in expensive restaurants at the expenses of the people. 

People need to understand that the politicians are not the powerful Your Excellency. They are not superior to the people. They should be respected, as every citizen, but not worshiped or feared.

The same goes for the public and governmental employees. People working in the city council, public hospitals, police, social security, tax office, civil registration, court, post office, public school, etc. They are there, to serve the people. It's their job. And they should serve us efficiently. They should be very cooperative and humble. We are paying their salaries, as well.

They are our voice, and when they are communicating to their people, they should use a simple and clear language, so everybody could understand. They are talking about subjects that are of the public interest.

They are, not only, deciding our lives, but also the future of our children. 
But, as people have difficulties in understanding their technical speech, people feel disinterested, dumb and ignorant. 

People should be aware of everything that is happening in their country: the country's accounts, laws, health, taxes, salaries, education, alliances, and on.
Everything should be presented and explained to people.
People should be informed. After all, who pays the bills are the people. But, instead, the politicians just present us the amount to pay, the invoice.

Politicians prefer to keep the people ignorant, uniformed, so they can do whatever they want, so their irregularities and mistakes will pass unnoticed. 

Our honorable and prestigious politicians are deciding our living conditions, and how much we are paying for it.
How are we so blindly let these people making such important decisions without even knowing what are our employees doing?

What kind of bosses are us? What would we think about a boss that lets the employees do everything without restrictions?

The role of the politicians is very important in a democracy, but just, if it really includes the people. Otherwise, is not a democracy. It's another thing. An illusion, a chimera, a lie.
Maybe an aristocracy, a dictatorship disguised, behind a charming and manipulative mask.

The work of these politicians is defining what is democracy.
Are we going to remain passive, indifferent?

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