Homos Violentus

Every day, in the world, there are news about robbery, corruption, murder, rape, wars, bullying, pedophilia, terrorism, cheating, etc.

What human being is this? Selfish, envious, violent, dishonest, abusive, wicked, sadistic, liar, bizarre...

Unbelievably, this human being is the same capable of the most brave actions and beautiful gestures of protection, kindness, generosity, compassion, altruism,..

People can be the worst and the best. 
Unfortunately, in our societies it's the worst that dominates. But, it usually comes behind a charming mask. 

This weird duality in the human being is impressive.. there's no real balance. Or people are their best or the worst...
Normally, they are their best for their families, for their friends, for the people they care, for those who can do something for them....  but at the same time, they can be their worst for others.. for people that cannot do nothing for them..that can't serve them..

There's an eternal conflict inside the human being: The good against the evil.

Not even, the fear of burning in hell for eternity, that the religions preach, stop this human to sin..

Not even, the fear of being arrested and living in a small square in a prison, stops this human being to break the laws..

Not even, the punishments received from the parents for bad behaviors, stops this human being to disrespect the teachings...

Not even, living in a society that does everything to promote values of peace, unity, that encourages people to be good.. that guides their citizens to the right path.... 
...nothing stops this human being of wanting to be bad and hurt others..

In a society, where good actions receive admiration, approval, appreciation, respect, pride, applause, gratitude from others;
In a society, where being good is the ideal to follow and who is good is seen as a role model;
In an society, where is so important for people to be remembered as a good person, after death..

Even so, people are bad to each others. Why?

In a society, where bad actions, bad behaviors are a reason for shame, for criticism, disapproval, condemnation, repulsiveness, rejection...

So, why people choose to be bad?

For ambition? For revenge? for power? for money? for lust? for faith? for love? for honor? for greed?

Is this the human nature? Is the human nature evil and we need all this institutions, values and education to domesticate and control our wild and "dangerous" egos?

Do humans born evil? 
Babies and children are just worried about satisfying their own needs and desires. They are self-centered and very sincere. They just do what they want, say what they like and dislike without filters.
Is the social education that teaches them what is wrong and right, evil and good.. 

It might sound pessimistic and defeatist, but as I see, the destruction of our nature; as I see, money, appearance and power being the most important values of the humans ... 
...I deeply wish for the end of the human race, so at least the suffering of its victims will finally end.. 

They are too many people suffering and dying while everybody is worried about the next hairstyle, the new car is going to buy, the likes of the social networks...
There are so many people dying because of capitalism..for others to buy stuff and a few to get rich.

What about the good people? Well..sadly, nobody is totally good as nobody is totally evil..

I know that after we are all gone, nature will regenerate, but free of its worst parasites: the human race.

"In 3.500 years of civilized society, we didn't have war just for 230 years."

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