The Perfect School

In the majority of countries, our intelligent graduated students are no more than people with great methods of memorization.

We spend almost half of our lives in school. 
School is the institution that prepare us for the professional life. 
Schools accompany the children growth to adolescence. So why doesn't prepare us for life, too?

In the perfect school, children were taught basic useful information for the daily life and for life in society.

Civism and Citizenship Education
Students should be aware of how important is their role in society.  

They should learn how to live in community, how society works, their duties and rights as a citizen, the payment of taxes, the rules of conduct, the moral and ethical values and responsibilities, the duty of voting. 

Giving special relevance to matters as racism, xenophobia and discrimination.

School should educate the future citizens, to be informed, responsible and participative, so they can create a better place for them to live. For their own benefit. 

School should teach how works the government of their country. 
The government positions, the state institutions, as well, their roles and duties.
Future voters and politicians should know the history of their politic system and how it develops to the system they have today.

In schools there should be, a subject about history of religions. Where all the religions were, impartially, explained. 

Sexuality and Drugs
From the age of 14 years old, school should have a session per school year, to talk about the most appropriate age for starting the sex life, after 18 years old or later - when people have more maturity to deal with it.
There were also clarified topics of marriage, pregnancy, sexual diseases, drugs and health consequences.
Allowing the students to solve their questions, after the session, in private.

Parents should be informed about the session and give permission. 

It's more efficient to talk about these issues before it happens.

All the students should wear a school uniform, provided by the schools, free of charge.
To promote an environment free of discrimination.

Lunches should be cooked daily from fresh ingredients.
Soup as starter, fruit as dessert and salad to go with the main meal. To drink just water and tea.
Ideally, should always have available, as well, a non-animal meal option.
It should be free of charge or the prices should be very low, symbolic.

There shouldn't exist the concern of school lunches being a profitable restaurant, Cause is not. But a nutritive canteen. After all, students eat in school every day. Students should be also educated about eating habits. 
Snacks should be fruit, nuts, popcorn (not industrial), oat cereals, dark chocolate, nutritive cookies and cakes.

Teaching Techniques
Teaching should be like a conversation, in order to make the assimilation of the information easier.
Instead of having the students seated for hours absorbing masses of information. It's counter-productive and boring. 
After all, our students are going to school to learn. So that should be the focus. To develop their critical thinking skills.

After primary school, there should be a career guidance office in the school, where students would go, 1 hour per week, to explore and have information about professions and careers. To help them to understand their vocation and to organize their educational path accordingly. 

There should be a subject of arts, where children would contact several arts, like painting, photography, sculpture, music, poetry, dance, theatre and others. 
Creativity is very important in the development of the human being.

Teachers are also a role model for the students.
Hiring the right teachers is very important. The candidates should go through a selection process of psychometric tests. They should be passionate about teaching and realize the importance of their role. 
Teachers should also wear a uniform.

Most importantly, school should be free, from primary school to university school. 
We are all paying taxes for everything and anything. I believe these taxes can cover all the school expenses.

Schools are training professionals but also the future adults.
The next generation...The responsible for building the next society.
We should take it very seriously.

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