The Sacred Believes in the Supernatural

Everything seems to indicate that we had been visited during years. 

There are signs left from ancient civilizations, thousands of years ago, until the most recent ones.

Remote civilizations that had no kind of communication between them, left traces of being contacted by Gods, angels, some kind of divinity. 
For them, they made drawings, rituals, paintings, prayers, built temples, statues, and others.

According the religions of the world, someone from the skies have been contacting people to communicate teachings, moral codes, rituals and to manifest the willingness of wanting to be worshipped and obeyed. 
Promising punishments and curses for those who are not subservient.    

Ancient civilizations from different times, different locations in the world, with different cultures and traditions were worshiping divinities, such as: 

The Mayas Gods from Guatemala;
The Incas Gods from Peru;
The Vikings Norse Gods in the north of Europe; 
The Celtic Gods in Ireland and Scotland;
The Hellenic Gods from Greece;
The Roman Gods;
The Orishas Gods from Africa;
The Chinese Gods;
The Hindu Gods from India;
The Egyptian Gods;
The Persian Gods, 
The Sumerian Gods;

Just to name a few that I have knowledge of.

There were religions venerating many Gods; others following just one God- Jewish, Christians; and some not believing in the existence of any God, just in life philosophy, using spirituality to become a whole human being, such as: Buddhism, Jainism, Confucianism.

The occidental cultures were, initially,  worshiping several Gods. In some civilizations, Gods were even directly interacting with the people and some had love affairs, from where were born semi-gods or humans with superpowers - like the Roman Gods

More recently, these people were venerating just one God. 
A God that initially was strict and severe, that punished the people in the moment of the bad behavior; and later more tolerant and benevolent that forgave those who show regret and remorse.

All the religions are different but all have in common an invisible God, that created the inferior human race to worship Him; people that submissively should follow His teachings; otherwise He will  punish those who don't obey and believe. 
Normally, there is a person that is chosen with the mission of spreading the word. 

Everyday, new religions are created. People keep swearing that a divine entity talked to them with new messages. Some don't succeed and don't get to the masses.

Something we can be sure, that religious can be very dangerous. It determines what is right and what is wrong; the good and the evil; how people should act and behave. 

And an ambitious person with charisma and leadership skills can take advantage, and use people's fear of God's punishments of hell, to get them to do whatever he wants, without questioning. Because God's will cannot be questioned. God will punish if so. People should be obedient and submissive to God's will.

Anyway, why would God speak to just one person? Wasn't easier and more effective to talk directly to everybody?
In the end, all that is left are words from a human and the search for faith, to believe in his truth

And even though, people never saw or heard God, they must believe or they will be punished. As God's words aren't questionable.

After all, being sent by God is more powerful than being a king or a president. They don't have the power to move masses as religion has. Cause everybody fears the eternal hell and just religion promises the salvation, an eternal place in heaven.

In the name of God, armies were gathered, many wars were done, billions of people were killed, cities destroyed, lands were taken.. 
Everything, cause a new religion emerged. And, unfortunately, not everybody was chose to be part of the new one, so they must die.
It seems that God made a selection.

Are these the teachings of God? 
Is this what God wants to be done in His name?

These episodes look similar to innumerous wars that took place in the history of the world. 
Every nation of the world has already committed terrible crimes, horrendous genocides during the bloody wars for territory and power. But they didn't use God's name for it. 
Using the name of God to make wars and kill people is what is unbelievable.
The Crusades and the Holy Inquisition are some of the most famous bloody messengers. 

Imagine, if a new religion emerges now and the masses follow?

What if God was a human creation?

- Maybe created by idealistic people wanting to make the world a better place to live, a perfect world;

- Or maybe man felt the need to believe in Gods, to explain the creation of his life, the earth and his purpose here.

- Perhaps man was so scared of death that needed to believe in the existence of God to find a way to live after death.

- Or man needed to believe that there was someone to help him in the struggles of his life, as finding food, shelter, the weather.. as a form of fighting the pessimism and having hope to keep going.

- Maybe some men wanted to be the leader, even without being elected by the people, and found, like this, a way of being the leader and making people follow his own rules and laws.

- Maybe there's so much evil in people, that man felt the need to scare people with divine punishments to control their behaviors.  So they will have a reason to be good to each others and to behave.

- Or maybe it was a form of taking money and lands from people. 

Why people feel the need of believing in Gods?

Maybe people cannot distinguish good from evil, the right from wrong, love from hate. And, as they cannot realize for themselves, they need someone to guide them. 

Whatever it is, the human being always felt the need to worship. As we can see through the history of mankind, as we can see today. 
In today's society, people worship God, worship a singer, an actor, a book, an organization, an ideal...

The human being seems to need to worship, to admire something or someone. To have a role model to follow, to become the have a purpose in life..

Religion can be very important in societies, if it's purpose and moral codes are for people to respect each other, and live in harmony together.
Religion should make us better human being and not the opposite.

My personal opinion about God I keep it for myself. As I don't intend to persuade nobody to follow what I believe. 
But, whenever I have doubts about my conduct, I just remember to not to do others, what I wouldn't like others to do to me.

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