The most important genocide in the History

Our history, that so many countries are so proud of, is no more that fights for land, money and power... filled with killing, deaths and blood....but some genocides seems to have more importance in history than others, let's try to understand why.

Jewish Holocaust
Estimated 6 millions died
Duration:  2 years
Why: Forced paid labor work for construction, to seize their properties and richness, to put an end to their influence in Germany; xenophobia
Perpetrators: Germany Nazi

Others killed during the same period by the Nazis:
Russian: 6 millions
Polish: 1,8 millions
Serbian: 312,000
others: 540,000

African Holocaust and Apartheid
More than 100 million died
Duration: around 500 years
Why: Forced work labor for plantations, construction, mining;  domestic slaves, sex slaves, to steal the land, the country richness and resources; African were defenseless against guns, racism
Perpetrators and involved countries: Arab world, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, Holland, France, EnglandGermany, Italy, Denmark, Genoa, Norway, Sweden, Africa

American Natives Holocaust
50 millions to 100 millions. 
85% died after the european arrival. 
Duration: Approximately 500 years
Why: Forced work labour for plantations, construction, mining;  domestic slaves, sex slaves, to steal the land, the country richness and resources; the natives were defenseless against guns, racism
Perpetrators: Spain, Portugal, England, France, Holland, Russia, Sweden, Denmark, Malta,  English colonizers that settled in USA and later their children and grandchildren turned americans

The East Asian Holocaust
Approximately 20 millions died (mostly in China)
Duration: 8 years
Why: land, resources, power, slave work labour,  sex slaves
Perpetrators: Japan 

The Holy Inquisition 
Around 20 millions died. Normally tortured before
Duration: 700 years
Their sins: Not being christian, scientists, thinkers, lands
Perpetrators: Spain, France, Italy, Holland, Germany, England, Portugal 


Brilliant Thoughts of Nietzsche II

  • "In loneliness, the lonely one eats himself; in a crowd, the many eat him. Now choose."

  • "Women are considered deep. Why? Because one can never discover any bottom to them. Women are not even shallow."

  • "Go up close to your friends but do not go over to him! We should respect the enemy that is in our friend."

  • "Let us beware of saying that death is the opposite of life. The living is only a species of the dead, and a very rare species."

  • "He who cannot obey himself will be commanded. That is the nature of living creatures."

  • "God is dead."

  • "When we have to change our mind about a person, we hold the inconvenient he causes us very much against him."

  • "All that is rare is for the rare."

  • "Every world is a prejudice."

  • "Existence really is an imperfect tense that never becomes a present."

  • "Disobedience is the nobility of slaves."

  • "Swallow your poison, for you need it badly."

  • "When a hundred men stand together, each of them loses his mind and gets another one."

  • "He who does not lie not know what truth is."

  • "Truth as circe - Error has transformed animals into men; is truth perhaps capable of changing man back into an animal?"

  • "In every real man, a child is hidden that wants to play."

  • "People have always wanted to "improve" human beings; for the most part, this has been called morality."

  • "There is no defense against stupidity."

  • "Philosophy is not suited for the masses, what they need is holiness."

  • "We have evolved from worm to man, but much within you is still worm. Once you were apes, yet even now man is more of an ape than any of the apes."

  • "Resentment, born of weakness, harms no one more than the weak person himself."

  • "All modern philosophizing is political, policed by governments, churches, academics, custom, fashion, and human cowardice, all off which limit it to fake learnedness." 

  • "They devour each other and cannot even digest themselves."

  • "You shall love beyond yourselves some day! So first, learn to love and for that you have to drink the bitter cup of your own love."

  • "Do I advise you to love thy neighbor? I suggest rather to escape from thy neighbor and to love those who are the farthest away from you. Higher than the love for thy neighbor is the love for the man who is distant and has still to come."

  • "The demand to be loved is the greatest of all arrogant presumptions."

  • "What can everyone do? Praise and blame. This is the nature virtue, this is the human madness."

  • "Life is a journey so everyone is a tourist."

  • "Your bad love of yourselves makes solitude a prison to you."

  • "Men need play and danger. Civilization gives them work and safety."

  • "How much blood and horror is at the bottom of all "good things"?

  • "Christianity is the metaphysics of the hangman."

- Friedrich Nietzsche
German philosopher and poet

Stereotypes by Nationality IV - Communist countries

Stereotypes of some communist dictatorships 

Stereotypes of the North Korean

They are: loyal, hardworking, obedient, civilized, polite, hygienic, respectful with the elders, reserved, proud of the country,

Their dark side: unaware of the rest of the world, don't know they have other rights, don't know another reality 

Stereotypes of North Korea: corruption, poverty, malnutrition,  Media controlled by the government, inequality, propaganda on TV channels and everywhere, no freedom of speech, free health care and education, racism, xenophobia, deserted streets and roads in the capital, illegal to emigrate, misogyny, low national wage, low crime rate, limited electricity,  internet is some kind of intranet with their own operating system "Red Star OS", isolated, secretive, strict fashion rules, clean streets, follow their own calendar based on the birth of their leader, porn is illegal, fake democracy, three generation punishment, no consumerism, no unemployment, USA and Japan as enemies, embargoes and sanctions,  this items are luxuries: car, laptop and fridge.

Stereotypes of the Cuban

They are: friendly, party going, talkative, family oriented, warm, people help each other, carefree, resourceful, outgoing

Their dark side: loud, dishonest, lazy, vain, gold-digger, know-it-all, cunning, over confident, opportunist, manipulative

Stereotypes of Cuba: corruption, poverty, prostitution, Media controlled by the government, inequality, no freedom of speech, free health care and education, low national wage, internet is some kind of intranet with their own operating system "National Nova", isolated, promiscuity, good weather, USA embargo, low morals, infidelity, dirty streets, poor public transports, secretive, these items are luxuries: car, cell phone and laptop. 

Stereotypes of Vietnamese

They love: family, white skin, laugh, coffee shops, relaxation, pho, jokes, sarcasm, optimism, nap after lunch, reputation, humility

Their dark side: loud, impolite, bad drivers, individualist, dishonest, braggers, nicer to tourists, distrust, manipulative, disrespectful

Stereotypes about Vietnam: poverty, corruption, bureaucratic, racism, overcrowded, dirty, littered streets, high crime rate, poor health and education system, prostitution, pollution, poor food hygiene, aggressive traffic, expensive cars, food filled with chemicals, robbery, polite language, justice system is questionable, corrupted police, inequality, morals in decline, brides for sale in the internet, Vietnam war, USA embargo,etc.

Stereotypes by Nationality III - Global Power Seekers

Stereotypes about the North Americans (USA)

They are: friendly, fast food lovers, generous, optimistic, guns lovers, TV lovers, proud, informal, credit card lovers, patriotic 

Their dark side: lazy, materialistic, ignorant about the rest of the world, saviors of the world, loud, wasteful, egocentric, individualist

Stereotypes about the United States of America: corruption, power angry, high crime rate, drugs, big environmental footprint, Blues, high rate of teenagers single mothers, obesity, expensive health and educational system, traffic, poverty, homelessness, land of opportunities,  immigration, pollution, unemployment, police brutality, violence, promiscuity, bullying, inequality, sexism, morals decline, racism, xenophobia, excessive military budget.

Stereotypes about the Russians

They are: tough, proud, patriotic, authentic, reserved, bold, spirit of sacrifice

Their dark side: rude, serious, distrusting, cold, heavy alcohol drinkers, violent, irresponsible, West haters, uneducated, bad drivers, gold teeth

Stereotypes about Russia: corruption, power angry, mafia, drugs, prostitution, poverty, unemployment, cold weather, high infidelity, domestic violence, low cost of living, inequality, low national wage, sexism, racism, homophobic, bureaucracy, martial arts, crime, decline of morals, propaganda in national TV, brides for sale in the internet, closed cities, good athletes, Chernobyl 

Stereotypes about the Chinese

They are: hard working, gracious, polite, kind, modest, humble

Their dark side: individualist, rude, bad drivers, unsocial, closed, reserved, racist, shy, rough, uneducated, bad-mannered, introvert, restrained, strict

Stereotypes about China: poverty, inequality, corruption, pollution, sexism, violence, pushing everywhere, constant spitting to the floor, always overcrowded, inequality, low national wage, traffic, poor food safety, high living cost, censored internet, nobody line up, poor hygiene, questionable freedom of speech, Media controlled by the government, propaganda, poor health and education system, contrast of the modern and the ancient, one-child rule, poor customer service, ancient history, exploited workers, martial arts, great athletes, strong economy, cheap fake copies of the western products.

Stereotypes by Nationality II - Mediterranean Countries

Stereotypes about the Mediterranean countries of Europe

Stereotypes about the Portuguese

They are: modest, helpful, friendly, humble, peaceful, discreet, hard working, bon viveur, hospitable, laid back attitude

Their dark side: reserved, pessimist, conformed, know-it-all, nocturnal, keep up appearances, cheap, individualist, concerned about reputation, distrusting, lazy, judgmental, envious, possessive, always complaining about everything

Stereotypes about Portugal: good weather, corruption, unemployment, bureaucratic, great food and wine, low crime rate, inequality, low national wage, sexism, long working hours, slow justice system, high taxes, great writers, big debt to EU, economic crisis, fragile baking system, impoverishment, nepotism, rich history, low birth rate.

Stereotypes about the Italians

They are: fashionable, family oriented, friendly, passionate, talkative, expressive, emotional, proud, charming, trendy, bon viveur

Their dark side: egocentric, snob, lazy, loud, very gesticulative, false, dishonest, bad-mannered, tardy

Stereotypes about Italy: good weather, corruption, unemployment, bureaucratic, great food and wine, low national wage, sexism, slow justice system, high taxes, big debt to EU, economic crises, fragile banking system, mafia, immigration, rich history, low birth rate. 

 Stereotypes about the Spanish

They are: spontaneous, sociable, proud, enthusiastic, open minded, friendly, affectionate, talkative, fun-loving, optimistic, informal, bon viveur, unashamed, family oriented

Their dark side: rude, loud, overconfident, noisy, temperamental, nocturnal, lazy, irritable, irresponsible, tardy, possessive, unreliable, gossipy, competitive

Stereotypes about Spain: good weather, corruption, unemployment, bureaucratic, great food and wine, low national wage, sexism, big debt to EU, great painters, economic crisis, racism, immigration, nepotism, bullfighting, rich history

Stereotypes about the Greeks

They are: friendly, emotional, traditional, family oriented, proud, carefree, a bon viveur, hospitable

Their dark side: loud, lazy, gossipy, temperamental, unethical, know-it-all, dishonest, reserved, always complaining about everything

Stereotypes about Greece: good weather, corruption, unemployment, bureaucratic, low national wage, sexism, big debt to EU, economic crisis, racism, xenophobia, inequality, crime, immigration, great philosophers, low cost living, tax-evasion, ancient history, impoverishment, poor health and education system

Stereotypes by Nationality I - Europe Controllers

Stereotypes about the Germans

They appreciate: honesty, frankness, punctuality, logic, hard worker, discipline, practical, efficiency, organization, reliable, order, reserved, direct talk, nationalism, proudness

Their dark side: very direct, no sense of humor, rude, arrogant, proud, cold, drunks, rigid, passionless, inflexible, plan everything, very competitive, judgmental, critical, morose, heavy beer drinkers, always complaining about everything. 

Stereotypes about Germany: cold and unpredictable weather, good health and education system, high taxes, racism, bureaucracy, bad dress sense, low crime rate, expensive fuel and car insurance, expensive housing, women strong role, expensive tv service taxes, social pressure to be successful, xenophobia, poor customer service, some motorways with no speed limit, poor food variety, taxes for religion, good public transports, great athletes, strong economy.

Stereotypes about the French

They appreciate: romance, bohemia, elegance, glamour, finesse, chic, charm, discretion, politeness, 

Their dark side: arrogant, rude, vain, presumptuous, envious, pessimist, lazy, snob, dishonest, individualist, melancholic, reserved, closed, proud, always complaining about everything

Stereotypes about the country: immigration, racism, great wine and food, inequality, good labour laws, good education and health system, capital of fashion, poor customer service, high taxes, slow justice system, bureaucracy, unemployment, great painters, it is legal to marry a dead person

Stereotypes about the English

They appreciate: politeness, cordiality, graciousness, class and status, civic drivers, compassion, good manners, amiability, political correct, a ray of sunlight 

Their dark side: shallow, lazy, snob, gossipy, backbiting, xenophobes, judgmental, sarcastic, ironic, racist, heavy alcohol drinkers, boorish, hypocrite, bad teeth

Stereotypes about the country: unemployment, drugs, immigration, bad dress sense, unpredictable weather, taxes for TV service, high cost of living, sexism, promiscuity, young single mothers, obesity, rape, crime, violence, inequality, free health care, bad post 

Every Story has Two Sides

There is always the innocent and the guilty;

The victim and the villain;

The good and the evil;

Right and wrong

But none of these really matters when the story comes from our side, or from our loved ones, from our friends...our country

What happened is not important anymore. We will see what we want to see it. It's easier. Less painful. 

The truth is not important anymore...cause the truth has two sides: Mine and yours...theirs and ours...his and hers...

Truth is consciously and unconsciously manipulated to serve us.. to calm our consciousness.. 

The important is to not take responsibility.

We can never be the bad guys, our loved one cannot be the bad guy, our friend, our country..cause we cannot be with the bad guys...

So, it's easier to distort the truth to be what suits us better and the reality we want to live. 

Our lives are a sequence of not hurt others, to not hurt us, to hide, to protect, to ignore, to please, to pretend, to.. run from reality, to make us feel happy...

People pretend to value the truth.

The "fight" between two sides is never fair...cause what really happened, the truth is not important... cause we don't really want to know the truth..cause if we acknowledge it, we have to deal with it.. 

And it implies different processes... resistance, admitting, responsibility, suffering, action, changing..

Brilliant Thoughts of Nietzsche I

  • "That which does not kill us makes us stronger."

  • "I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you."

  • "Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself don't become a monster in the process. If you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."

  • "Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed."

  • "There are no facts, only interpretations."

  • "Become who you are."

  • "Most people are far too much occupied with themselves to be malicious."  

  • "The worst enemy you can meet will be always yourself."

  • "A politician divides mankind into two classes: tools and enemies."

  • "Everything the State says is a lie, and everything it has it was stolen."

  • "The world is beautiful, but has a disease called man."

  • "There are no beautiful surfaces without a terrible depth."

  • "To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering."

  • "There are no eternal facts, as there are no absolute truths."

  • "Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."

  • "There are two different types of people, those who want to know, and those who want to believe."

  • "Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings - always darker, emptier and simpler."

  • "Truths are illusions which we have forgotten are illusions."

  • "The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."

  • "I hate who steals my solitude, without really offer me in exchange company."

  • "A thought, even a possibility, can shatter and transform us."

  • "Is man merely a mistake of God's? Or God merely a mistake of man?

  • "Whenever I climb I am followed by a dog called Ego."

  • "Who obeys, don't't listen to themselves."

  • "A moral system valid for all is basically immoral."

  • "I love the great despisers because they are the great adorers."

  • "Convictions are prisons."

  • "The one necessary thing a person must have either a cheerful disposition by nature, or a disposition made cheerful by art and knowledge."

  • "No artist tolerates reality."

  • "To see others suffer does one good, to make others suffer even more: this is hard saying but an ancient all-too-human principle (...)Without cruelty there is no festival."

  • "The tree that would grow to heaven must send its roots to hell."

  • "That for which we find words is something already dead in our hearts."

  • "It is not conflict of opinions that has made history so violent, but the conflict of belief in opinions."

- Friedrich Nietzsche
German philosopher and poet

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